Closer (UK)

Your stars

- With Yasmin Boland

This week’s Celeb star sign aries 21 mar – 20 apr

Even if there are ups and downs, you should be feeling better about the people you love. if you’re tempted to look up an ex, remember there’s a reason why they’re your ex. Go easy on yourself, as it’s a tiring time of the year. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

SCORPIO 22 oct – 22 nov

it seems almost inevitable that someone from your romantic past is going to creep out of the woodwork this week, whether that means seeing them or thinking about them. if ever there were a time for you to have second thoughts or get second chances in love, this is it. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

SAGITTARIU­S 23 nov – 21 dec

You’re getting closer and closer to a time when life will feel far easier and less pressured. But you’re not there yet. in fact, the light at the end of the tunnel might be visible, but you still have issues and challenges to deal with before you can relax. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

TAURUS 21 apr – 21 may

This could be a sociable time for you, but even out and about in the social whirl, chances are there is a lot going on behind the scenes that you’re not sharing with anyone. if old fears you used to have regarding romance or riches come up, deal with them. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

GEMINI 22 may – 22 jun

You have the taskmaster of the zodiac, Saturn, in your opposite sign, so you could easily be feeling like you need to work to exhaustion. But as much as you need to put in the effort to pave your way to your desired future, you also need a personal life. For your spoken forecast about your current astrocycle, call 0906 7511 677*

CANCER 23 jun – 23 jul

it’s that time of the year again when you stop and think about how hard you’re working and how much of an impact that’s having on your personal life in general and your precious family life in particular. We all need to keep our personal and profession­al lives in balance. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

LEO 24 jul – 23 aug

There is one really major advantage you have over the rest of the world now and until October. That’s the presence of Jupiter in your Mind Zone. The reason this is lucky is that Jupiter is also the planet of optimism, so focus on the good things in your life. For your spoken forecast about your current astrocycle, call 0906 7511 677*

VIRGO 24 aug – 23 sep

This is an important time for you financiall­y. You have two of the planetary heavyweigh­ts, Jupiter and Uranus, in your 2nd and 8th Money Zones. These are interestin­g astral influences to have in your chart. They suggest positive change, wonderful surprises and the potential for change. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

LIBRA 24 sep – 23 oct

There are some decisions which need making – are you feeling good about where you want your life to go? “positive” and “change” are your keywords at the moment, so do try to release the past so you can actually move on. Whatever happens now is taking place for your higher good. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

CAPRICORN 22 dec – 20 jan

Your brilliant career can bloom now as you collect more and more profession­al fans and accolades. Just keep on doing what you do and be confident. as long as you feel good about your working life, there are definitely a lot of positive omens and signs around for your success. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

AQUARIUS 21 jan – 19 feb

Have you learned what you needed to regarding your friends? Think about who has been there for you and you’ll soon have a pretty good idea of who you should be spending your time with. if you love yourself more, you’ll attract more friends now. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

PISCES 20 feb – 20 mar

are you ready for change when it comes to your work and your finances? On some level, you already know what you need to do. No one can tell you what it is – but note, there are no half-measures now. Financiall­y, this could be a turnaround week for you. For your spoken forecast about your current astrocycle, call 0906 7511 677*

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