Closer (UK)

ABUSE VICTIM: ‘He beat me if I tried to leave’

Sammy Woodhouse, 31, tells Closer about the appalling abuse she suffered at just 14 years old – and why it’s so important to speak out

- By Poppy Danby

Twisted Arshid Hussain was jailed for 35 years in 2016 for grooming and sexually abusing multiple underage girls in Rotherham – an area that, like Rochdale, suffered its own child exploitati­on scandal.

Sammy Woodhouse, now 31, was one of his victims and has bravely waived her anonymity to speak about the abuse she suffered. Now working as a public speaker and campaigner, the mum-of-two says: “I’m so glad the BBC will be covering the Rochdale scandal – it’s crucial to raise awareness. “I met Arshid when I was 14 at our local corner shop. He was 24, but my friend knew him. When he offered to take us for a drive in his flash car, I was impressed. He started regularly taking me out for drives and I began to fall for him. He’d shower me with gifts such as phones and clothes.

missing for days

“I started skipping school to hang around with Arshid and, a month later, we had sex. I felt so grown up with him.

“Soon, I started spending time with him at his house or in hotels. I’d go missing for days and my family were worried. They went to the police but, because I was consenting, there was nothing they could do. My parents didn’t know how to cope and a few months later I was put into care. They thought it would give me stricter boundaries.

“However, I carried on seeing Arshid – I thought he was my Prince Charming. But he changed and started becoming violent. He’d beat me if we had a disagreeme­nt or I tried to leave. I was scared, but I forgave him because he said he loved me.

“I fell pregnant at 15 and thought we’d all live happily ever after. But during my pregnancy, the beatings got worse. I tried to break up with him when I heard he was seeing other girls, but he drove me to a cliff and threatened to throw me off. I was terrified.

“While I was pregnant, Arshid was jailed for a violent attack. It was then that I reached out to my parents. I moved back home and started rebuilding my life. But when Arshid was released a few months later, he started terrorisin­g my family. The police couldn’t do anything as they had no proof it was him.

behind bars

“As I grew up I began to realise what Arshid had done to me was wrong. I approached the media with my story and more cases were uncovered. The police investigat­ed the case and Arshid, along with his brothers, Basharat and Bannaras, were convicted of abuse after 21 girls testified against them in court. It was a relief to know he was behind bars.

“I’m now trying to put the past behind me, and I’ve since had another child. But I’m single again as I want to focus on my recovery. I give talks to the police and social workers about grooming as it’s important to speak out and raise awareness.”

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