Closer (UK)


Parenting on your own can feel daunting, but one fantastic parent is far better than two unhappy ones


ingle motherhood is S back in the headlines as TOWIE star Ferne Mccann revealed she will raise her child alone after splitting with Arthur Collins, who was arrested over a nightclub acid attack.

Single mums are often given a bad rep. I became one when I had two toddlers, and even though I’m now married again, the years I spent alone bringing up my boys are the proudest of my life.

It can be exhausting when you’re the only carer for your children, but that also makes you a real-life superhero as far as they’re concerned.

When you’re in this situation, looking after your emotional wellbeing is crucial, as that’s how you ensure you have energy for your children. Ask for the support you need from your nearest and dearest and don’t be afraid of saying when you are struggling.

Make time for yourself – whether it’s an online course, doing yoga or simply reading while the children are in bed. Equipping yourself with new skills helps increase your confidence. Male role models are important, so spend time with your male family and friends so that children form positive relationsh­ips with the men in their lives.

You’ll be the decision maker and the disciplina­rian – it can feel daunting, but it means that your kids are given a consistent approach with regards to their behaviour.

As far as finances are concerned, there are a host of benefits available to single mums, even for those who work.

Finally, don’t worry about the future, it robs you of the present and means you’ll miss important times with your kids that will be gone in the blink of an eye.

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