Closer (UK)

‘My daughter died when my husband left her in the car’

- As told to Anna Matheson

When I heard the news about little Chloe Fogarty, my heart broke for her parents, because I know only too well that this terrible tragedy could happen to anyone.

“My daughter, Sophia, nicknamed Ray Ray, was like my soulmate – when I held her for the first time, I felt complete.

“When we lost her she’d just turned one and was a very happy little girl, she loved swimming, playing with ducks, dancing and cuddles. My husband Brett adored her – he was a great dad.

“Usually, Ray Ray would stir at 7am every day, so I never needed an alarm clock. We’d get ready and play for an hour before Brett dropped her off at nursery at 9.30am and we went on to work.

“But on 25 May 2011, I woke up and panicked when I saw it was 9.45am. Ray Ray hadn’t woken up. It was a chaotic rush to get her ready, but we chose a bright flowery dress for her to wear.

“By 10.15am, she was strapped into the back of the car in her seat. I kissed her and Brett goodbye and told them I loved them before they drove away.


“Ray Ray’s nursery was on the way to Brett’s work at the constructi­on business he owned. That day, for a reason we’ll never understand, Brett drove straight to work and completely forgot Ray Ray was in the car.

“When he arrived, he rushed into the office. At lunchtime, I drove over to Brett’s office to pick him up for a lunch date. The restaurant is seven minutes away and, as we pulled into the car park, I commented that Ray Ray’s nursery teacher must have loved seeing her in her dress, as it had been a gift from her.

“Brett turned to me white as a sheet and said: ‘I can’t remember dropping off Ray Ray.’ I felt sick.

“Brett franticall­y called his office and his workers pulled Ray Ray out of the car and dialled 911 as she was unresponsi­ve. She’d been left in the car for three hours in 90-degree heat.

“We arrived back before the ambulance. I screamed when I saw Ray Ray. Her lips were purple, she was sweaty and making a gurgling noise. I had to calm myself down to perform CPR until help arrived.

“Brett went crazy – he was screaming and crying so much that one of his workers took him to another room. Paramedics arrived 13 minutes later and took over. The police came too because of the circumstan­ces. They worked on my little girl for

40 minutes while I screamed at them to take her to hospital. When they finally did, I had to follow in a police car while Brett was kept behind for questionin­g.


“Our last visions of our living daughter were of her lying on the floor as she lost consciousn­ess and CPR was being performed. Her eyes were open but she was unresponsi­ve – that will haunt me forever.

“At the hospital, the doctor told me it was too late. I was distraught and couldn’t take it in. Brett finally arrived as they handed Ray Ray to me in a blanket, and we had a couple of minutes to say goodbye. I was numb with shock, but Brett was falling apart, so I tried to stay strong. He was so upset, the doctors had to sedate him.

“I was taken to a room and questioned by the police for two hours. They were trying to establish whether Brett had intentiona­lly left Ray Ray in the car, but I knew immediatel­y that it was a terrible accident – he had just forgotten.

“After we were finally taken home, Brett was suicidal and admitted to hospital overnight. I was terrified I’d lose him too. I was unable to function, so two of my friends organised Ray Ray’s funeral, but Brett had to go home early as he was so distraught.

“The next few months were a blur. I was numb and barely slept, but I kept going for Brett. I had to give up my work in healthcare as even the sight of a hospital gave me a panic attack. It wasn’t until Brett was cleared of any charges three months later that I was able to grieve properly. Brett can’t remember the aftermath of the accident at all now.

“I’d never heard of children being accidental­ly forgotten. But I made a promise to Ray Ray that her life would mean something – I couldn’t save her, but I might be able to save others. We set up Ray Ray’s Pledge to raise awareness of the issue.

“We now have twin four-year-old girls. I’m extremely cautious with them – I set an alarm to remind myself to call their nursery to check they’ve been dropped off. And I have pressure sensors on their car seats that sound if they’re left alone in the car. Brett was terrified at first and wouldn’t drive them anywhere until they were three, but he’s an amazing dad.

“We’ve lost friends and family who couldn’t accept what happened, but Brett made a terrible mistake that haunts him – I’ve never blamed him and tell him constantly I understand it was an accident. We are still very much together and love our family.”

❛brett made a terrible mistake that haunts him – i’ve never blamed him❜

 ??  ?? Kristie says her daughter Ray Ray was a happy little girl
Kristie says her daughter Ray Ray was a happy little girl

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