Closer (UK)

‘I love a glass of wine and a TV series’


I’m training to row 900 miles up the Zambezi river in Africa for charity, so i’m trying to fit in lots of rowing sessions as i’m going in eight weeks. i’ve suddenly panicked about training as it’s a tough

Jodie with her fiveyear-old challenge, so i’ve got a little practice son Indi rowing machine in the house and i’ve started to have a go on that on a morning. I’ve just bought a pub, which is being refurbishe­d at the moment, so i go there to see the progress. l take my son indi, too, when he’s on school holidays. Then we have lunch together. In the afternoon i go for walks as we live in the country and i spend time in the garden listening to the radio, dancing around and planting carrots. Half term last week was wonderful because i got to spend time with indi. we’ll have an early dinner. We buy our meat and fish locally, and dig up our veg from the garden. We really focus on “plot-to-plate” and i’m trying to teach indi about the goodness of eating your own food – even if it’s just a pot of herbs on your window sill. Indi will have a bath and a play In the evening – he’s loving Thomas The Tank Engine, then after he goes to bed i’ll sit up and watch TV. i’m really obsessed with a glass of wine and a series at night. i’ve just finished the pirate-focused Black Sails – it’s action packed. i’m waiting to watch The Handmaid’s Tale because i can’t just watch one episode and wait a week until the next one!

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