Closer (UK)

Super-size mum-to-be:

“I’ve already lost 14st for my baby”

- By Emma Pearson

‘I cry a lot – I crave food constantly like a drug addict needs a fix’

Morbidly obese Monica Riley once dreamed of becoming the world’s fattest woman and ate over 10,000 calories a day.

In 2014, the then 28-year-old ballooned to a whopping 50st in the bizarre hope she would end up bed-bound and rely on the care of her fiancé, warehouse worker Sid Riley, 26.

Feeder Sid would even pour liquidised ice cream through a funnel in an effort to get as many calories into her as possible.

But Monica, who’s now 16 weeks pregnant with her first child, is overhaulin­g her lifestyle so she’ll have a healthy pregnancy and be a fit mum.

Monica, who’s 5ft 11 and a size 30, says: “At one point in my life I wanted to reach 70st and be immobile – it was my fantasy. But my pregnancy has been a huge wake-up call. We thought we couldn’t conceive after trying in the past, so we were really pleased when we found out I was expecting. But doctors warned me that I needed to lose weight to have a healthy pregnancy, so that made me want to lose the weight.”


Monica has already lost an astonishin­g 14st in 10 weeks, taking her down to 36st.

She explains: “I want to be active with my child. I couldn’t have done that before – I could barely get out of bed.”

Growing up, Monica, who lives in Texas, USA, always struggled with her weight.

“I was bullied and started to comfort eat on fast food.” she reveals.

In 2014, Monica considered gastric band surgery, but changed her mind.

She says: “I decided to embrace my body and found out fat women could earn money by posting naked pictures and videos online for men, earning up to £100 a time.”

By the time she met Sid – who weighs 15st – online in May 2016, Monica was a whopping 46st.

Encouraged by Sid, who found Monica’s size sexy, she piled on another 4st.

Before her diet began, an average day’s food consisted of six scones, six sausages in a bread roll, a big bowl of sugary cereal, two weight gain milkshakes, four Mcchicken sandwiches, four double cheeseburg­ers, large French fries, 30 chicken nuggets, a large portion of macaroni cheese, a Mexican takeaway and a gallon of melted ice cream.

Her business was booming and she was earning up to £200 a day, as men loved the videos of Monica drinking melted ice cream through a funnel. But in March this year, that all changed when she was surprised to find out that she was pregnant.


She explains: “Even being diagnosed with type-2 diabetes in February didn’t make me change my ways. But suddenly it wasn’t just about me – it was about my baby too.”

Monica transforme­d her diet – immediatel­y going from 10,000 to 2,000 calories a day.

She has swapped junk food for healthy salads and steamed veg with chicken breast, and is going on daily walks to boost her weight loss. But it hasn’t been an easy transition. She can only walk 500 yards before needing to stop for breath.

She says: “I cry a lot – I crave food constantly like a drug addict needs a fix. But I’m determined to get down to a healthy size. So far I’ve resisted the temptation to binge. I’ve stopped having treats altogether to avoid getting carried away.

“There are some healthy foods I enjoy, like avocado and chicken, but I do miss pasta and cheese.

“And walking is quite difficult as I’m still very heavy, but I’m slowly getting back my energy, so I hope to start doing some proper exercise soon.”


She adds: “The doctor said to go easy with the exercise as, for someone of my size, it can be dangerous to do too much too soon, so I’m pacing myself.”

Like any excited parentsto-be, Monica and Sid are looking forward to the future, and Monica’s adamant she’ll continue her healthy-eating regime after the baby is born.

She says: “I’ll never be skinny – but I want to be healthy for our family. At the moment the pregnancy is progressin­g well. I’m due in November, but we’re undecided whether we want to know the sex.

“Sometimes I miss the old me – but our baby is worth changing for. I’m still selling some pictures, but I plan to stop before the baby is born.”

And although Monica’s weight was what initially attracted chubby-chaser Sid, she believes that becoming parents will strengthen their relationsh­ip, even as she becomes slimmer – despite her initial fear that he would become less attracted to her.

Monica, who already uses her fiancé’s surname, says: “There was a part of me that was worried that as I lost weight, Sid would lose interest in me sexually. We met on a fat fetish website and I know how much he loves my curves. But I spoke to him about it and he’s reassured me that he loves me no matter what size I am.”

Sid adds: “I’m not just attracted to her body. I’m attracted to her as a whole, complete person.

“I can’t wait to be a father and have a family of our own.”

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