Closer (UK)

The last time I…

Sam Bailey



The other day I watched a Youtube video showing someone from the army arrive back to surprise their family – those videos always really get to me.

Made a Major Mistake…

I slammed a pot down in anger on the oven when I was cross with the hubby [Craig Pearson] It cost me £439 to fix the hob – I won’t be doing that again in a hurry…

lost My temper…

When I hit the pot on the hob! At least I have a nice clean hob now. But, as you can probably tell, I’m very upset about it!

Was genuinely surprised…

When my eldest daughter Brooke, who is 11, sang On My Own from Les Misérables to me. She made us all face the other way as she sang in the corner of the room because she’s a bit shy. It was absolutely beautiful, though.


When I told my youngest, Miley, that one of her grandparen­ts was in the sky. She’s only two. Then she went outside and started shouting: “Grandad!” It got us all a bit emotional.

Hurt someone’s Feelings…

I try not to upset people, but I’ll always tell the truth, even if it might hurt someone’s feelings. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. If someone is wearing the wrong make-up or looks silly in the clothes they have on, then I’ll tell them straight away.

Made a big life Change…

When I decided I wanted to write songs for other people and went out to LA to do it. Since my visit, I’ve been inspired by a lot of big songwriter­s out there. I’ve written three so far, so I think I’m doing all right!

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