Closer (UK)

‘RIPPON’S RIGHT! nature is A Healer’

TV veteran Angela Rippon recently revealed she uses natural remedies as much as possible – Dr Christian salutes her!


ngela Rippon A has suggested that people should “look to nature” to treat simple cuts and grazes instead of using expensive medicines. She uses honey on small wounds, describing it as a ‘wonderful antibacter­ial’, and she’s right – finally, somebody in the public eye is talking sense!

Antibiotic resistance is probably the single biggest medical problem we face, so anything that encourages people to be a bit sensible with their health is a good thing. Obviously, if you have a big, open wound or infection I’m not suggesting you smear honey on it; but for a scraped knee, it’ll save you money and will help it to heal. People assume they need expensive, high-grade Manuka, but it’s the high sugar content that makes it antibacter­ial, so a £1 jar will work just as well.

TREAT Minor Ailments

Gargling sea salt is a great natural remedy for a sore throat, because it’s antiseptic. You can also put sea salt in your bath to soothe a skin condition, or use oats to relieve sunburn or eczema – research has shown that the antioxidan­ts in oats soothe inflamed skin.

Natural yoghurt is a genuinely effective treatment for thrush. It contains lactobacil­lus, which is the natural bacteria that thrives in the vagina, so it can help get the balance right. Ginger is a very good remedy for nausea, especially for pregnant women who can’t take many medicines.

That’s the good news, but there’s also a fair amount of rubbish on “natural health” sites. I’ve seen people recommendi­ng crushed raw garlic to make a pessary to treat thrush – that sounds like an infection waiting to happen! I’ve also seen lavender oil recommende­d for healing wounds after childbirth – something you’ll need proper medical treatment for. People also suggest camomile to soothe haemorrhoi­ds, but you’re much better sticking to a tried and tested treatment for that. As long as people are sensible, it’s good to learn a bit more about how to treat basic ailments.

know When To see Your Doctor

You shouldn’t be troubling your doctor with a sore throat, a bit of sunburn or one episode of thrush, so these remedies can be helpful. But it goes without saying that anything serious needs to be seen.

Angela also describes antibiotic­s as the greatest invention ever made – they saved her life when she had TB as a youngster, so she’s keen that we protect them by being sensible medically. I completely agree.

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