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It’s one of this year’s fastest-growing trends, with a host of stars advocating the benefits of a plant-based diet. Here’s our guide to going vegan


eyoncé, Jennifer Lopez B and Anne Hathaway rave about it, while 135,000 people in the UK have signed up to Veganuary this month, plus our favourite restaurant­s are now shaking up their menus to offer a variety of vegan food. It’s clear to see the diet trend is really taking off.

Vegan eating, which avoids animalderi­ved foods – so out with meat, fish, dairy, eggs and honey – is claimed to be one of the healthiest in the world, with many vegans boasting increased energy levels, more youthful skin and even a trimmer waistline.

While for some, switching to a plantbased diet is about healthy eating, for others, it’s a moral stance about protecting the environmen­t – eating meat requires four-and-a-half-times more land than needed for a plantbased diet, according to Veganuary. com. But isn’t cutting out all animal products a bit drastic? Heather Russell, The Vegan Society’s dietician, says it’s easier than you think. “People are often surprised to discover how much vegan food they’re already eating,” she explains, adding that it’s all about smart swaps. “Switch dairy for a fortified plant milk, meat for beans and lentils, and oily fish for walnuts. You must also take a B12 supplement to prevent anaemia.”

But if going totally vegan is daunting, then do it part-time. “Doing it step by step gives you time to get used to it – and it allows your body to adjust,” says Heather. ● Consult your doctor before making changes to your diet plan

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