Closer (UK)

“I caught Mum in bed with my man when I was eight months pregnant!”

Just weeks before she gave birth, Aimy Dennis’ mum and boyfriend slept together – but incredibly she’s decided to forgive them

- By Mel Fallowfiel­d

xcitedly E planning for the birth of her first baby, Aimy Dennis knew who she wanted by her side – her boyfriend of four years and father of her child, Ryan, and her mother, Linda.

But when 24-yearold Aimy gave birth to son Amari in November last year, neither of them was with her – as just two weeks before she’d discovered them in bed together.

Aimy, who lives in Great Yarmouth, explains, “I knew something was going on between them, as people kept telling me they’d seen She filmed the them together in a hotel car park. But they denied it when I confronted them.


“When I was 35 weeks pregnant, someone told me Ryan’s car was outside my mum’s house, so I went round there. The door was unlocked so I let myself in – and discovered they were in bed together. I filmed it all on my phone but, even then, they tried to deny anything had happened.

“They have since admitted it to me – but it took nearly two months and, although they claimed it was just the once, I’m sure it was going on for longer than that.”

Aimy, a carer, had been with 26-year-old Ryan for four years, after meeting him through a neighbour.

She says, “Ryan really made me laugh. We didn’t live together because he worked away in Plymouth as a fisherman. It was hard being apart, but I really loved him.”

In February last year, Aimy fell pregnant and the couple were thrilled. Their baby was very much wanted as Aimy had already suffered two miscarriag­es.

Despite having a volatile relationsh­ip with her mum, Linda, 43, Aimy couldn’t wait to tell her their good news.

Aimy says, “Mum had me when she was a teenager and my grandmothe­r, Ann, helped to bring me up. Mum could be incredibly good fun and lovely to be with, but at other times it wasn’t so easy and we clashed. I even lived with my grandmothe­r for a while. “But I’d tried to put the past behind us and I knew that she was the person I wanted at the birth, along with Ryan. She was excited about becoming a granny and for my 24th birthday she even arranged a special scan to find out the sex of the baby. She gave me a blue cake afterwards to celebrate me expecting a boy.” But when she was 33 weeks pregnant and had to go into hospital with pre-term labour, Aimy began to wonder if something was going on between her mum and boyfriend. She says, “They’d never really got on. Mum had often said that Ryan wasn’t right for me and Ryan would say she was a pain. But a few days before I went into hospital, I noticed that mum’s attitude towards Ryan had changed. She’d flirted

with my previous boyfriends and I worried she was doing it again, so I told Ryan to watch out. He just laughed it off, though.”


While Aimy was in hospital for two days, Ryan only visited her once, and Linda didn’t turn up at all. Friends later told Aimy that they’d seen the pair together at a hotel.

Aimy recalls, “I was devastated and confronted them, but they denied it. They blamed my hormones and said I was just paranoid. But I knew deep down that something had happened between them.”

Aimy decided to take matters into her own hands and drove over to her mum’s house after her friend told her she’d seen Ryan’s car outside.

Aimy says, “When I found them in bed together, I just screamed at them both. Ryan couldn’t even look at me, but mum denied anything had happened. She said, ‘You can see we are in bed but there’s nothing going on,’ but I told her there are four bedrooms in the house plus a couch.

“I agreed to meet Ryan five days later to discuss everything, but he still denied it, which made me angry. I told him in n uncertain terms that we were finished. I refused to see Mum.”

Two weeks later, on 6 November 2017, Aimy gave birth to Amari with two friends by her side.

Now, she is thrilled to be a mother and is settling into a routine with her son. And, astonishin­gly, earlier this month she welcomed both Ryan and her mother – who are no longer seeing each other – back into her life.


She says, “I’ll never have a relationsh­ip with Ryan again, but he is my baby’s father and I want Amari to have his dad in his life. Ryan has apologised and told me he feels ashamed. I know he regrets it more than anything.” After getting back in contact with Ryan, Aimy thought it was only fair she saw her mum too. She says, “It was very hard to forgive her and I’m not sure I ever will completely. I’ve tried to talk to her about it, but she gets very defensive, which makes me angry. For her to betray her pregnant daughter is sickening, but I want my son to have a grandmothe­r. My little boy is all that matters.” Ryan tells Closer, “I regret sleeping with Linda and would do anything to change it. I’m truly sorry, I miss my family and still love Aimy so much.” Linda says, “It was my fault – my judgement was clouded and I’m sorry.”

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