Closer (UK)

‘Someone thought I was 70’

Susie Amy, 36, is back with her Footballer­s’ Wives co-star Gary Lucy, playing his estranged wife in Hollyoaks…

- By Hannah Wright

You and Gary Lucy played Chardonnay and Kyle in [fantastica­lly cheesy Noughties hit] Footballer­s’ Wives – good to be reunited?

It’s really nice to be working with Gary again. We were always very close, though I think with me being on Hollyoaks now, every day has been a bit of a flashback for him! Footballer­s’ Wives was my first big job and we were so young then; it’s something that holds very fond memories for me.

Scarlett shows up the week before Luke’s wedding to Mandy [Sarah Jayne Dunn] – what’s going on?

Luke needs a divorce, and Scarlett wants to make things difficult for him – though she doesn’t necessaril­y want to ruin his wedding. Scarlett doesn’t quite know what she’s doing, but she does ask him for money – which she doesn’t need – in exchange for a divorce…

Nothing like Kyle and Chardonnay then?

No, it’s a very different dynamic! Luke and Scarlett are not fond of each other, whereas Kyle and Chardonnay were madly in love.

Scarlett does seem to be very glam though, like Chardonnay?

They honestly haven’t tried to do that. The only similarity is that I look like both characters, only one of them is much younger!

Can we set the record straight – you haven’t actually been in Hollyoaks before?

I’ve never been in Hollyoaks! Even people on set have said to me, “Oh, you’re back!” No, I’m not [Susie laughs].

Will you be sitting down to watch your episodes?

I’m really excited about my first episode and I will definitely be watching it! I know a lot of people don’t like to watch themselves, but I’m easy about that. I’ve been catching up with the show to make sure I’m up to date with everyone’s storylines, and now I’m totally addicted.

You look like you’ve barely aged a day since Footballer­s’ Wives was on; what’s your secret?

All I do is I use SPF [sun protection factor] every day, and I have done since I was 14. I’m brand ambassador for ARK Skincare so I do have some amazing products. My gymgoing is on and off, though I did a play last year where I had to be in my underwear. On 2 January I decided that I had to get in shape so, since then, I’ve been doing a mixture of things and I try to work out three times a week. Eating-wise, I have a big appetite and I love food, so I don’t restrict my diet in any way.

Do you feel under pressure at all working with quite a young cast?

Well, most of my scenes are with Gary Lucy – who’s only seven months younger than me. Aedan Duckworth [who plays Luke’s secret son] is utterly divine, and he doesn’t make me feel a day older than him! There’s a good mixture of ages in Hollyoaks, but I quite like being the age I am now – I’m a lot more comfortabl­e in my own skin.

Do you still get recognised when you’re out and about?

Only if I’m done up. Recently, I was in Tesco in Liverpool with a friend, and a lady in front of us who was pushing 70 turned to me and said I was very familiar. She said, “Are you sure we weren’t at school together?” I just thought, ‘Are we in that same age zone?’ My friend and I were crying with laughter when we walked away…

 ??  ?? The golden days of Footballer­s’ Wives
The golden days of Footballer­s’ Wives

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