Closer (UK)

Vicky: “John has given me confidence”


She’s no stranger to having her fluctuatin­g figure slammed by online trolls but, last week, Vicky Pattison – who shed 4st in 2013, dropping from a size 16 to a size 6 – was criticised for her “expanding waistline”. One troll cruelly dubbed her a “unit”, while another wrote, “Oh dear, [she’s put] loads of weight back on.” But insiders say reality star Vicky, 30 – who is thought to be a size 12 – is not listening to her critics, and has told her inner circle she won’t crash diet for her upcoming wedding to businessma­n John Noble. In January, Vicky told Closer, “Until now, I’ve never really felt loved or attractive and John makes me feel those things.” A source adds, “John’s always telling Vicky how amazing she looks – he loves her boobs and

bum. He makes her feel sexy. “They’re planning to get married later on this year, and Vicky says she won’t be forced into a crash diet or extreme exercise regime. She says she’s curvier because she’s happy.”

After being accused in the past of heavily editing her Instagram photos, Vicky hit back at body shamers, saying she made “minor” changes just to “tidy up” the pictures. But one troll responded, “Funny how the before and after Instagram shots are still different to the paparazzi shot.” While another added,

Box copy “Minor?? Who you kidding love! You’ve had a good few inches took off your waist. Why pretend to be something you’re not?” Another wrote, “She took about 2st off herself in them pics.”

The source adds, “Vicky’s just blanking the trolls. She’s focusing on her romance with John and wants to start organising their wedding.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? She unveiled her toned figure in 2015
She unveiled her toned figure in 2015
 ??  ?? She’s set to marry John later this year
She’s set to marry John later this year

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