Closer (UK)


Research has shown that the growing demand for children to get involved in clubs and activities outside of school is putting a lot of strain on families. Emma says time at home is just as crucial


Until a couple of years U ago, both my boys were competitio­n gymnasts. That meant 16 hours a week of toing and froing to their gym – and it cost a small fortune. Yet when my eldest said he wanted to quit, I genuinely felt a sense of grief; I had been very invested in their activities and had felt a little smug that I was such a committed parent. When my youngest also asked to quit, I realised that I had fallen prey to parenting pressure.


Suddenly they had time to see their friends, do their homework and enjoy their childhoods. Stress levels in our house reduced and we all had more energy. Research has shown that our obsession with sending children to drama club, football training, ballet class and everything in between means they are missing out on the joy of family time and the experience of feeling bored!


Children need to chill, to natter with you and to spend time developing their relationsh­ips at home. When they get bored, they start to use their imaginatio­ns to fill their time creatively and that makes for smart kids. I’m not suggesting that children shouldn’t take part in activities, especially ones that keep them fit, but if you feel that your whole life revolves around pick-ups and drop-offs, and you’re knackered and broke, it’s time to redress the balance. Doing a couple of activities they enjoy is great, so long as you can afford them, but there is no shame whatsoever if you simply don’t have the budget to pay for these. I replaced the long drive to the gym and hours spent watching my boys doing gymnastics with baking, playing board games and working with them to convert our garage into a mini exercise area. Now we keep fit as a family, and that is priceless.


Happy, harmonious homes are ones where mums don’t feel guilty. If your kids are happy, well fed, safe and loved, then you are doing a fantastic jobs. What kids tend to remember about their childhoods is the fun they had with their friends and families, and that fun is entirely free.

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