Closer (UK)

‘At home I’m such a scruff’

Zoe Ball, 47, on the launch of her new televised book club, where celebrity guests discuss the latest page-turners…

- By Christine Smith

Tell us about your new book club?

It’s so exciting and I’m getting well into it. We’ve chosen ten books – including Ruth Jones’ new novel – and we talk about one each Sunday on the show. I’ll be reading along with the viewers, so I’ve set Friday and Monday aside to take time out and switch off to get through them. I spend a lot of time in bookshops and often on a Saturday, my daughter Nell [aged eight] and I wander around them together. Are you a member of a book club off-air? No, but a book club is a really social thing – there’s usually wine, food and chat! My kids are both into reading too and Nell has just started on Harry Potter, which is a big moment! Does doing this TV show mean quiet nights in for you now? No, because we actually record the programmes on a Tuesday. We do have such a laugh doing them, and it’s such a relaxed atmosphere. I love the fact that we have such random acts on, and it finishes two weeks before It Takes Two starts [Zoe’s spinoff Strictly Come Dancing show], which is perfect timing.

Are you getting excited about the return of Strictly?

I love it and now is the time when you get to hear all the rumours. Though it is going to be different without Brendan [Cole – who’s now left the show]. Do you go on a big splurge to buy lots of sparkly outfits?! I do like to have something new – but I also recycle. Quite a lot of my local shops always ask me if I’ve got anything sparkly [to give to them]!. When you’re not busy, how do you like to chill out? I love my time with my children [with DJ Norman Cook, who Zoe is separated from] Woody and Nell. They’re so funny and entertaini­ng. Woody is 17 now and into cider and girls; we have lots of great chats about life. I actually really love gardening now, too, and I still enjoy cycling [after completing a Sport Relief challenge where Zoe cycled from Blackpool to Brighton]. Life is a bit different now from in your younger days… Friends often ask, “Do you want to go on this night out or that?” But I just keep saying, “No – I want to watch Love Island!” You’re looking brilliant. Do you worry about getting older? I’m 50 in a couple of years but I’ve had friends turning 50 and they are amazing. Everything is pretty good at the moment.

Do you use lots of creams?

I’m a bit rubbish! I’ve never been good at all that stuff. Thank God I have hair and make-up when I work on TV. People go, “Ooh, you look lovely,” but that’s only because I’ve got the girls making me look amazing. At home, I’m a scruff and barely blow-dry my hair!

● Catch Zoe Ball’s Book Club, in associatio­n with Specsavers, from 8.30am on Zoe Ball On Sunday, ITV

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Zoe hosting Strictly spin-off show, It Takes Two
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