Closer (UK)

Your stars

- With Yasmin Boland

LEO 23 JUL-22 AUG In the very near future, you will be released from what might have been a rather low-key and hopefully not too dark cycle. The Sun – your luminary – moves back into your sign soon and will quickly become part and parcel of an amazing eclipse that can set you free. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

VIRGO 23 AUG-22 SEP Get all your socialisin­g done, and complete all the little tasks that need attention this week. Because next week, you could well feel like you want to take some time out from the mad whirl of life, whether it’s just flying under the radar socially or even getting away to a retreat. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

LIBRA 23 SEP-22 OCT Remember that, every time life seems to be sending you slings and arrows, every relationsh­ip you have now can be healing – if you take the right approach to it. Try not to want anyone or anything so much that it hurts. When it gets to that stage, recalibrat­e yourself asap. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

SCORPIO 23 OCT-21 NOV So here we are in the eclipse season and, on top of that, you have maverick Uranus ensconced for the next few months in your Love Zone. To say that you can expect love life ups and downs is rather an understate­ment. Expect people to amaze you – and they will. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

SAGITTARIU­S 22 NOV-21 DEC You’re one of the signs getting loads of messages about money now. The planets are aligning so that you learn some lessons about how to make financial magic. The first step is not to fear money. The next step is to know you’re worth it. And the next one is to put in the work. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677 *

CAPRICORN 22 DEC-19 JAN There could be some unexpected and very positive developmen­ts coming very soon, so keep the faith that all you have been through is making you stronger and happening for a good reason. You are in a new relationsh­ip cycle as of now, so make sure you act like it. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

AQUARIUS 20 JAN-18 FEB Here we are in the week leading up to the Full Moon eclipse in your sign. This is big. It’s a major chance for you to make some magic in your life. Don’t cling on to the past for the wrong reasons, or you’ll get stuck there. The eclipse is all about letting go and moving forwards. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

PISCES 19 FEB-20 MAR One thing you really need to work on right now is your temper. You might think of yourself as cool, calm and collected but, if so, you’re probably just burying your own upset. That’s obviously not a healthy thing to do! Learn how to release it healthily – eg at the gym. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

ARIES 21 MAR-19 APR If you’re wondering how you’re going to pay for all the changes you’re making on the domestic front, here’s a tip; keep visualisin­g what you want to achieve and put in the work needed to make it happen. It’s the way to actually get results. Believe in your power to consciousl­y create. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

TAURUS 20 APR-20 MAY If you feel like something’s changed, you might be right. Last week brought the New Moon in your Mind Zone, so it’s entirely possible that you have started to make changes to the way you think. And doing that will have a massive knock-on effect, since thoughts affect actions. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

GEMINI 21 MAY-20 JUN You could say you have a lot of “money karma” going on at the moment. With Saturn and Pluto in your Money Box, it’s really quite indisputab­le. However, you also have money lessons. The biggest is that you need to appreciate your own worth if you’re going to attract abundance. For your spoken forecast about your current astro-cycle, call 0906 7511 677*

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