Closer (UK)

‘I’m the laziest guy you can meet’

Celebrity chef Gino D’acampo, 42, fronts Channel 5’s new quiz show, where families compete to win their “wish lists” – plus a flashy holiday…

- By Hannah Wright

You’ve never hosted a game show before? I never thought in a million years that I would do a game show. But if you want someone who’s going to have fun with the contestant­s, then I’m your man. This is a real change for you… I’m completely out of my comfort zone, but now I’m like, “Oh yeah, I want to do more!” There is nothing better than a family coming on and saying they’ve always wanted a holiday somewhere, or a new kitchen. If you can help to win it for them it’s like, “Oh yeah!” To make their wishes come true was magical. Were you nervous at all? Of course, completely. I was thinking, “Am I going to be able to do this?” Someone like me, I can only be myself. There are many things that I can’t do on television. You won’t see me reading the news, for example – I can’t read an autocue! Tell us a bit more about the show? The families tell us what they want, and we make it happen. The quiz rounds involve games that you can also play at home. One of my favourites is called Belt Up – which is me wearing a belt with plastic cups on it, and the contestant­s have to throw ping pong balls into them. It’s very simple. Will you be watching it at home? I don’t watch my shows – even when I won I’m A Celeb! [Gino was crowned King Of The Jungle in 2009]. I want people to watch my shows, I’ve been there, I’ve done it – what’s the point of me watching again? How do you unwind after a long day’s filming? I play the guitar and I have done for 20 years. I write music, I write songs, it’s my main hobby. It’s one of my wishes and dreams to one day record an album. You’ve just turned 42 – is ageing something you worry about? I don’t do anything, I am the laziest guy you can meet! Forget about gym activities or anything like that. Everybody is getting old and you shouldn’t fight it, you should embrace it. Why would you want to fight the age? It’s like fighting God. You know you’re not going to win. You don’t even moisturise? Sometimes, my make-up artist puts some on me – but I don’t wake up in the morning and moisturise my face or go to bed with any product on, no. I brush my teeth! What about the gym? Not really, no, I just eat moderately. I try to eat fresh food as much as I can and that helps a lot. The secret is not to stress about it. I’ve got a little bit of a belly, but who cares? I’m not trying to pick up a modelling job and, anyway, a man with a belly is a sexy man. Same with a woman when she puts on a little bit of weight – beautiful. Embrace it – that’s beauty, not fat. What did you do for your recent birthday? I’m in Italy for the summer, so for my birthday I was with the family [Gino is dad to Luciano, 16, Rocco, 13 and Mia, six, with his wife of 16 years Jessica]. What did I ask for? A nice pair of socks. You know, you have socks for so long, you never change them. I said to my wife and my kids, “Can I have a new collection of socks please?”

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