Closer (UK)

Dr C: “Why vitamin D is a must for all ages”

After a baby dies at six months due to a severe lack of the so-called ‘sunshine vitamin’, Dr C says we need greater awareness


Shockingly, sixmonth-old S Noah Thahane recently died from heart failure as a result of rickets. It’s a disease that was thought to have been eradicated decades ago, and his death is heartbreak­ing because it was entirely preventabl­e.


Some experts are now calling for all babies to be given vitamin D from birth, but that’s too late because women need good vitamin D levels while they are carrying a baby. A worrying 85 per cent of pregnant women aren’t aware they need it, and people with darker skin, like Noah’s mum Beverley, are more at risk of deficiency because the darker your skin, the less vitamin D you produce. She hadn’t been informed of that, saying, “I had no idea how catastroph­ic the effects of a vitamin D deficiency can be”. She wasn’t made aware, which is in no way her fault. People know that they need folic acid before and during pregnancy, but are less aware of the need for vitamin D.


Also, while breastfeed­ing is fantastic for many reasons, including protecting against infection, if you’re deficient in vitamin D, you can’t pass enough on to your baby. A pediatrici­an I spoke to said that the pressure to exclusivel­y breastfeed is part of the reason rickets is returning, especially for women with darker skin, those who cover up and those who live in inner cities where there isn’t much sun.


The black and white messages around health are a problem. People are told to “stay out of the sun, because it gives you cancer”, but that’s too strong. Too much sun is dangerous, but a little is very important, because as well as bone health it’s also linked to depression, MS and breast cancer. We all need it, at every life stage. To get enough vitamin D, you need just 15 minutes in the sun without SPF and with your face, arms and legs exposed. The “safe sun” message has been effective, but we need to find a more balanced approach now. You also can’t get enough from diet alone, especially vegans. I don’t tend to believe in supplement­s, but most adults need more vitamin D. You won’t know you’re deficient; I didn’t realise I was until I was tested. You may feel tired but assume it’s because you’re busy.

Vitamin D aside, if your lifestyle isn’t great – and realistica­lly that’s unlikely to change in the next six months – take a daily own-brand multivitam­in, too.

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