Closer (UK)

The (ugly) truth about lip filler

Kylie Jenner may have ditched her famous oversized lips, but many celebs, like Megan Mckenna, still favour fillers. We ask an expert about the dangers


ou can hardly scroll through Y Instagram these days without seeing a pouting Kardashian. But when the youngest member of the clan, Kylie Jenner, posted a selfie earlier this month, there was something different about her famously injected pout. When fans asked whether she’d had her lip fillers removed, the reality star confirmed that she had indeed reversed the look that propelled her to superstard­om.

At just 20, Kylie’s worth £600m thanks in part to Kylie Cosmetics – a make-up range aimed at those wishing to recreate her pout. Sources also claimed her baby Stormi was a factor, saying Kylie “fell in love with the natural look” during pregnancy.

With a recent survey from Beauty BLVD reporting 60 per cent* of British women are happy with their natural lips, it seems the tide might finally be turning against the “trout pout”.

However, there are still plenty of celebs sporting them, including reality star Megan Mckenna, who’s joked, “I’ve had so many fillers I can’t talk properly!” and the market for filler is expected to grow by at least 12.5 per cent** this year.


So, what do we need to know about the process? Well, hyaluronic acid is the substance injected into lips to make them look fuller but, worryingly, it’s readily available online, making it a doddle to fall into the wrong hands. GP and cosmetic doctor Dr Jane Leonard explains, “When getting fillers or having them removed, always go to a qualified doctor, dentist or nurse and do your research. Removal is done with the injection of an enzyme called hylase [which melts hyaluronic acid] but it needs training to be used in a safe way. With all lip procedures, there is a risk of bruising and swelling and, in rare cases, more serious issues such as infection, scar tissue and blockage of blood vessels.”

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