Closer (UK)

‘I cleared out over 6,000 items from my home – and I’ve never felt better’


Claire Birnie, 27, from Edinburgh, is the owner of declutteri­ng business The Tidy Life Project. After feeling overwhelme­d by the amount of things she owned, she started clearing out her possession­s and learned less really is more.

She says, “It has changed my life in so many ways. Four years ago, I was studying for a PHD in Internatio­nal Relations. I lived in a house share in Edinburgh and I earned good money, which I’d happily spend on things like clothes and books. But it got to the point where I felt like my stuff was taking over. My house was packed full of bags, paperwork and trinkets, and I felt suffocated. My things left me feeling stressed.

“I knew something had to change. I’d been travelling in my early twenties, and I knew I could survive with just one suitcase. So, in 2017, I started sifting through my belongings and, with each item I discarded, I felt a sense of clarity. I read somewhere that the average person owns 300,000 items, which seemed unnecessar­y.


“In January 2018, I came up with the idea of declutteri­ng one per cent of my possession­s, which would equate to 3,000 items. I started an Instagram page to keep myself motivated and accountabl­e, and I coined the hashtag #Project300­0.

“I started with small items, like make-up and lipsticks, before moving on to paperwork, old bank statements and school certificat­es. After just a few days, I noticed other people were joining me on my journey on Instagram, which really spurred me on.

“Once I got going, I was amazed at how easy it was to get rid of things, and I reached my initial target in just seven months. Along with the physical benefits of having more space, my mind felt clearer and I had more focus and determinat­ion. I felt lighter and free. I realised I still had a long way to go, so I entered a second round of Project300­0, and I’ve now cleared out over 6,000 items from my home. Giving everything a specific place means I never have to tidy up, I just make sure I put everything back where it should go.


“Declutteri­ng my possession­s hugely changed my outlook, and I realised how many unnecessar­y purchases I regularly made. Now, I only buy clothes I love, and my friends tell me I’m better dressed since I started declutteri­ng. It’s made me more environmen­tally aware, and I always give items to charity, sell or recycle to minimise waste. I’ll never just throw something away.

“My passion has meant I’ve even ditched my previous career and set up my business, The Tidy Life Project. I go into people’s homes and advise them on how to declutter and organise. It’s my dream job.

“I’d advise anyone who is feeling overwhelme­d by the amount of stuff they own to set a target to get rid of a certain amount – sell, donate or recycle what you really don’t need. And don’t replace the items you have got rid of, either, because that defeats the point. Less really is more to be happy.”

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