Closer (UK)

Katie Waissel:

“Being a single mum is tough – I’m proud of myself”

- By Annabelle Lee

She’s had to get through a painful relationsh­ip break-up while adjusting to life as a new mother and moving halfway across the world. But Katie Waissel – who is mum to seven-monthold son Hudson – says that motherhood is the most rewarding job.

“Nobody can prepare you for becoming a mum, it is just phenomenal,” smiles Katie. “Obviously it’s exhausting, and parenting on your own can be tough, but Hudson is just amazing. He said ‘mama’ the other day and it was the best feeling.”

The star, who found fame on The X Factor in 2010 and later claimed her mentor, Cheryl, was “a nasty, horrible human”, moved to the US eight years ago. She later went through two divorces – from model Brad Alphonso in 2012 and comedian Brian Moote in 2016 – before finding love with personal trainer Andy Speer and getting pregnant in 2017.

But after a rocky relationsh­ip during her pregnancy, they split for good just two months after she gave birth. And as Closer sits down to talk to Katie at our exclusive shoot, she has just moved back to the UK to be nearer to her family.


“I don’t really have time to reflect on everything that has happened but, looking back, I don’t know how I did it,” she says. “I was adjusting to life as a mum and all the changes that brings, as well as dealing with a relationsh­ip breakdown and being miles away from my family. I always joke and call myself ‘superwoman’, but sometimes I feel it.

“I needed to move home to get back on my feet. I also think the education system here is great, and I want Hudson to benefit from that. Luckily, his dad [who lives in New York] agreed, and he is welcome to visit Hudson whenever he wants.

“It can be hard not having someone to share the load with, but my family are great and are always offering help – I know I need to accept it more, but I have spent so long with Hudson, the idea of leaving him gives me separation anxiety.”

Katie, 33, admits that despite the ups and downs of her past romances, she has learned a lot about love. She says, “I was listening to Ariana Grande’s song ‘ Thank U, Next’ the other day, it’s about exes and what they teach us, and the lyrics are amazing: ‘One taught me love, one taught me patience, one taught me pain, but thank you, next.’ You learn from all your life experience­s.”


And although she’s been hurt in the past, Katie admits she hasn’t given up on love.

The former singer says, “Obviously Hudson is my main priority, and it would need to be someone absolutely amazing to grab my attention, but I’m not closed off to the idea. I’d love to give Hudson a family and siblings one day.

“But, at the moment, I’m studying for a qualificat­ion in health and fitness, and the other night I put Hudson to bed and was studying and I thought, ‘You’ve done all right, Katie, you should be proud of yourself.’”

Katie is also a proud breastfeed­ing mum – and happily fed Hudson during our shoot – but says that despite Hudson being just seven months old, she has felt under pressure to stop.

She says, “I was lucky in that I didn’t have any problems feeding Hudson, he just latched on. But recently I went to the doctor with a blocked nipple duct and he asked me when I planned on stopping breastfeed­ing.

“I was so confused, as I know women

feel pressure to breastfeed and now I feel like women are under pressure to stop breastfeed­ing, too. I haven’t even thought about stopping. He’s fully weaned now, but he still likes feeding for comfort. It has been a lovely thing for us to bond and the nutritiona­l benefits are amazing.” Katie, who’s 5ft 5, is honest about the changes pregnancy, motherhood and breastfeed­ing have brought to her body, joking about her “floppy bum and different sized boobs.” And she admits that while she is almost 2st heavier than she was pre-baby – going from 8st 7lbs to 10st 3lbs – she won’t rush to get back her old body.


“I was in the best shape of my life before I got pregnant and didn’t even gain much weight during the pregnancy. But since having Hudson, I’ve been a single mum and relying on ‘grab and go’ food without any time to go to the gym,” she explains. “I also think I care a bit less. In some ways, I feel less confident about my body as it isn’t toned, but in other ways I feel more confident than ever as I’ve grown and fed a baby. I’ll go back to the gym when I’m ready, but I’m not worried. Also, I love the food here, so I’m enjoying every minute of British cuisine for now!”

‘I’m more body confident now – I’ve grown and fed a baby’

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