Closer (UK)

Your stars

- With Yasmin Boland


23 JUN-23 JUL

If there is something going on with someone you love that you really don’t want to talk about, that’s OK. It’s fine to have some secrets right now, as long as they are not turning you toxic! Happily, any emotional pains could start to subside. You just need to breathe out. Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­


If there is a friendship that you need to heal, it’s a good week for it. Reach out and talk about it. Speak kindly. This is an important time for you spirituall­y now, too. There could be blocks that you need to work through. Identifyin­g the blocks is the first step. Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­


As much as you are someone who wants to do well for others and serve them, you need to find a balance between all you do for others and what you do for the people in your private life. Ahead of the coming Full Moon, ask yourself: are you giving too much? Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­


24 SEP-23 OCT

Want some good news? This can be a really healing time for you and all your most important one-to-one relationsh­ips, or for you and someone who you care a lot about that you fell out with – or both. Relating to other people matters a lot to you, so this is mega. Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­


It’s time for you to heal whatever fears or hurts you have around cash. These can stem back to early childhood if you were raised in a family where money was in short supply and you were fed negative ideas such as “money doesn’t grow on trees!” Healing is possible. Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­


The Full Moon next week will be in your sign, so get ready! Work out what changes you want in life. If you’re hoping to heal your emotional or romantic life, you have superb celestial support for doing that now. Focus on relationsh­ip-building and/or repairing this week, as your first step. Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­


It might seem as though the world is out to get you, like you can’t get what you want, that you’re being blocked by someone/ stupid rules, and even as though you’re banging your head against a brick wall. The only way out is to be the grown-up in every situation. Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­


21 JAN-19 FEB

You could feel like you’re getting nowhere fast this week. Cool your jets. Pushing forward now isn’t the best idea and you could just end up wearing yourself out. Far better to go easy on yourself now. Get back into full-pelt-making-all-the-life-changes mode next week. Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­


20 FEB-20 MAR

You are not the only sign to be learning this, but here it is; if you put yourself down, then you will somehow find evidence to support your belief that you are not worthy! Decide that you’re amazing and any evidence to the contrary will seem like a meaningles­s glitch. Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­es. com/moonlite


This week looks quite lovely for you – at least in parts. Someone could say something to you which makes a lot of the pain and hurt of the past melt away. Let their words heal you. Just don’t waste your energy on frustratin­g situations, either at home or at work. Want to change your life? Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­


There could be some good news this week that boosts your self-esteem. The higher your self-worth, the more abundance of all good things you will attract into your life! It’s a mystery but that’s literally how it all works cosmically-speaking. Want to change your life? Tune into the Moon here; moonmessag­

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