Closer (UK)


As Christmas approaches, it’s understand­able you want to shower your kids with gifts and give in to their demands – but if you feel they’re not grateful enough, things need to change


Itotally get how, as a loving parent, you want to give your kids the moon on a stick, and it can be hard to know when you’ve gone too far. Personally, I think you know you have a problem when your children expect you to provide them with whatever they ask for, or show very little gratitude when you treat them or provide them with luxuries, like new trainers or a day out.


If your child has got into the habit of treating you like a generous servant, you need to make some pretty big changes to their levels of entitlemen­t! Initially, they will test if your new, more frugal system is strong enough to withstand their constant whining or pestering. This is why you must make absolutely sure that you and your parter, or any other person who parents them alongside you, are in agreement. If one of you caves in, they will realise that they can play you off against one another.


Children need to realise that you work hard to provide for them, so explain how you earn money, and what that money needs to cover, as this can help them to see that all those little treats come from your hard graft. Rather than offering your kids various options for their evening meal, write a weekly menu and stick to it. This shows that you are in charge, and they will respect it. When your children set their heart on something they really want to buy, make sure that, as long as you can afford it, they have to fulfil certain criteria first. This may be washing-up for a week, looking after the family pets, or working hard at school. This helps them to value the treat and can transform even the biggest divas.


Help them to develop an attitude of gratitude by encouragin­g them to notice all the little things that make their lives so lovely. Even as teenagers, my boys still have a gratitude jar, which they fill daily with three things that they feel grateful for and one thing they struggled with but learnt from. Noticing the little things in this way can be a real game changer.

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