Closer (UK)

‘We’re all staying in a castle this year’

Former Liberty X singer and mum-of-two Michelle Heaton reveals she’ll be spending this Christmas away from home with her family

- By Lily Smith

She almost missed Christmas Day last year after struggling to make it back home in time while working away, so this year, Michelle Heaton is determined to make it extra special.

Michelle, 40, says, “Last year, I was doing panto in York. I travelled back on Christmas Eve and it took five hours because I got stuck in a massive crash on the motorway. I ended up getting home at 2am. It was awful.”

Understand­ably, this year Michelle is taking no chances, and her husband – personal trainer Hugh Hanley – and their children, Faith, seven, and AJ, five, will be joining her in Scotland as she performs in Aladdin.

She says, “This year, I’m doing panto in Dumfries, so we’ll be spending Christmas there. We’re actually staying in a castle,

I’m very excited. Christmase­s at home are so lovely, but it’ll be fun to be somewhere different on Christmas Day.”

A pantomime pro, Michelle has previously said that she struggles to be apart from her family when she’s working away from home, saying, “That’s the awful thing with my choice of career. I am away from my family a lot. But they know I come back and they know why I do it. I do it because I love it, and I get to provide for my family.”

Despite being away from home,

Michelle is determined she’ll keep up the usual festive family traditions. She says, “The night before Christmas, we always watch Santa Claus: The Movie

– the original one with Dudley Moore.

“Then, in the morning, we get the kids into our bed and have crumpets with melted butter and tea, before opening the presents. I can’t wait already.”

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