Closer (UK)

‘I used to spend Christmas Dayworking’


She may not have found romance, but her life was transforme­d this summer on Love Island. And Anna Vakili, who went from pharmacist to social media star with 1.3 million followers, is relieved she won’t have to work this Christmas so she can spend it with her family.

She says, “Previously, I’d spend Christmas Day working in the pharmacy. This year, I can be with my family! That’s one of the good things to come from Love Island.

“It was weird working on Christmas Day. Not many people came in, but there’d always be some. It was nice, but sad – usually people who had no place to go, as the pharmacy was the only place open.”

But this festive season is different, and Anna, 29, is looking forward to reliving traditions and hanging out with her family, including sister Mandi, to whom she’s close.

“We’ll have the whole Christmas tree, presents, all that,” she says. “My mum cooks Christmas dinner, but we have Iranian food. This year, we’ll get together, spend time with the family, watch movies and eat. There’s nothing I really want for Christmas – just health and happiness and being with my family.”

As a Dubai regular, often going to celeb hotspots like Nikki Beach and Five Palm Jumeirah, Anna is hoping to fly back to the sunshine to party with friends for New Year. She says, “I was talking to my friends the other day, like, ‘Oh my God, what are we going to do for New Year’s?’ Maybe we’ll go to Dubai.”

Anna’s collection The Power Edit is available at

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