Closer (UK)


Closer’s dating expert, Rebecca Twomey, addresses how to survive being single over the festive period and explains why it’s also the perfect time of year to start dating


Before you sob into your stocking about spending another year without someone to kiss under the mistletoe, take a second to consider that perhaps being single during the festive period is actually a good thing.

This is party season, which means all your coupled-up friends and work mates – who spend the rest of the year tucked up indoors with their men – suddenly want a night out with you. Take advantage of that and let them relish in playing cupid and being your wing women. And with all the parties and events, you also never know what attractive strangers might come your way.

Family get-togethers when you’re the only single person can be tough, especially when relatives always ask about your love life. Make sure you are prepared for those questions and have an answer ready. Tell them you’re optimistic about

finding love next year, reassure them that you’re happy as you are, or make a joke about not having to buy presents for someone else’s family so you can spend more on yourself in the sales.

What’s more, it’s almost January, which is peak dating season. All dating apps report record highs of activity with new members signing up, as well as long-term singles having renewed hope for the new year. Make sure you’re one of them.

If you don’t feel like dating right now, spend some time really looking after yourself. Do things you love and set up things for the next year, such as classes or activities, or plan a holiday. And don’t forget to take some new pictures of yourself in a party dress for when you are ready to create a dating profile.

I know exactly how hard it can be at this time of year when you’re single, but please be reassured that you’re not alone in how you feel. I still have faith that love is on the cards next year, for all of us!

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