Closer (UK)

‘We live in Britain’s most haunted pub’


Christine Watson, 61, runs the Fleece Inn, a 400-year-old pub in Yorkshire, with her husband Alan, 64.

She says, “When I began managing the Fleece Inn in 1993, local punters warned me of spooky occurrence­s. I didn’t believe in paranormal activity and shrugged it off, but on my first night, I sensed someone within inches of my face, watching me sleep.

“Then, when my son claimed his toys were moving in the night, we decided to do an experiment. We sprinkled flour all over a table and locked the door before going out for the day.

“When we returned, it looked like fingers had been dragged through the flour. It convinced us that the punters had been right.

“Now, we catch glimpses of spirits lurking in the corridors or walking up the creaking stairs. Mediums have told us that most of the ghosts are mischievou­s children, but there’s also a grieving mother called Sarah who has haunted the property since the 15th century. She often weeps and cries out for help. She’s so loud that, one night, Alan thought someone was in trouble outside, before realising the voice was trapped inside with us.

“The ghosts are usually fine, but a grumpy old man – who mediums have called Harold – teases the punters by breathing down their neck or grabbing their hair. The customers aren’t fazed, although sometimes they go white when they realise they’ve been spooked.

“During lockdown, we’ve spent more time in the apartment upstairs than ever before and we’ve noticed more footsteps that aren’t our own. One night, we even heard voices coming from the pub, which has been closed since March. I think our ghosts are bored – I’m sure they’ll welcome back punters when the restrictio­ns end.”

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