Closer (UK)

Suzanne: “I’ve lost a stone and transforme­d my mental health”

After adopting a plant-based diet last year, Suzanne Shaw says she’s noticed a whole host of benefits

- By Sophie Barton

She’s talked openly about battling crippling depression in the past, but Suzanne Shaw reveals that overhaulin­g her diet and fitness routine has dramatical­ly improved her mental health – and has even helped her cope with the strain of lockdown.

Over the last nine months she’s gone vegan, cut out alcohol and started exercising – with incredible results. Suzanne, 38, tells Closer, “I used to have anxiety attacks, but since changing my lifestyle I’m coping so much better. I don’t take everything so seriously and I no longer have those horrible moments where you feel scared of your own shadow – it’s awful living like that.”


The star – who rose to fame as part of pop group Hear’Say in 2001 – decided to turn vegan last September, after a friend told her how much healthier she felt on a plant-based diet. Not one to do things by halves, Suzanne cut out alcohol too.

“I’d put on half a stone and I wasn’t feeling great mentally,” Suzanne explains. “I didn’t give much thought to my diet and I was eating processed foods. If my fiancé Sam (Greenfield) and I felt too tired to cook on a Friday, we’d have fish and chips, and on a Saturday we’d watch something on Netflix with a curry. But it became a vicious circle. You feel anxious, then you have a drink and a burger, and afterwards you feel down on yourself and groggy, then you don’t eat healthily the next day.

“It wasn’t the amount I was drinking, it was more the fact I wasn’t coping well when I did drink – it only takes one to affect your sleep. I wasn’t looking after my mental health.”

Realising that her lifestyle was triggering what she describes as “self-loathing and crazy thoughts”, Suzanne decided enough was enough. She swapped meat dishes for veggie Thai curries, lentil Bolognese and healthy salads, and replaced booze with non-alcoholic versions of Prosecco.

“I never thought I’d quit, but I felt really good,” she says. “I missed bacon at first, but I soon realised how much better I felt. Now I have soya yoghurt with granola, banana and syrup for breakfast, or mushrooms, fried courgette and peppers with Linda McCartney sausages. I drink oat milk and I snack on rice cakes with vegan cheese. For lunch I’ll have a salad or stir-fried veg with brown rice, and my shopping basket is full of colourful veg.

“Approachin­g 40 makes me think I’m no longer going to make myself feel rubbish on a daily basis. I’ve suffered with depression and this has really helped my mental health.”

The former Emmerdale actress suffered postnatal depression after having son Corey 15 years ago, with ex Darren Day. It resurfaced when she had Raffi, who’s four, with businessma­n Sam, and she also fought depression after losing her dad Vincent in 2012.


“There were traumatic moments, and after I had Raffi I struggled,” she says. “I came out the other side, but I still had bad months when I felt really low. But what I was eating triggered my low mood, and now I rarely have a bad day. When dark moments do come, I try to stay present and I know they’ll go away. I wouldn’t have the strength to do that if I wasn’t healthy. If I do eat crisps or chocolate, I notice I’m not as upbeat the next day. I’m much happier and more positive on a plant-based diet.

“Changing my lifestyle has definitely helped me cope during lockdown too. If I’d been eating rubbish food and drinking, the demons would have returned and I would have spiralled back into depression.”

As well as revamping the way she eats, Suzanne has started running in the countrysid­e near her Buckingham­shire home. “I’ve discovered some beautiful trails,” says the 5ft 2 actress. “I’ve been doing weekly 5k runs and trying to outdo my time. I was never able to run well, but I feel much lighter on my feet. I’ve toned up too, and I’ve gone from 10st to just under 9st. I’m not fussed about being skinny though, I just want to look after myself.

“I’m sleeping better too, and my skin is clearer – I had massive breakouts before. My cellulite has also reduced too, and I no longer get period pains. Overhaulin­g my diet has changed my life, and I feel amazing for it. I firmly believe that what you eat affects the balance in your head – I’ll always have to put the effort into taking control of my depression, but going vegan has transforme­d my mental well-being.”

 ??  ?? She won an army of fans as part of
’00s band Hear’Say
With fiancé Sam and their child Raffi, and her son Corey
She won an army of fans as part of ’00s band Hear’Say With fiancé Sam and their child Raffi, and her son Corey
 ??  ?? The star says she’s toned up after her diet and fitness overhaul
The star says she’s toned up after her diet and fitness overhaul

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