Closer (UK)

Life balance: Build confidence as lockdown eases

The thought of returning to work and adjusting to former routines can be daunting. Emma advises how to handle the ‘new normal’


Life has changed dramatical­ly over the past few months. But after getting used to spending time in the comfort of our own homes, things are changing again as society tentativel­y reopens, and a few minor changes have been introduced while the UK remains in lockdown. Feeling anxious about whether you’ll be able to readjust back to ‘a new normal’ is to be expected. For the past two months you have been exposed to traumatic news – making you fear for your health and that of your loved ones. This has led to your sense of personal security being challenged, affecting your confidence. The most effective way to get over fear is to confront it with “graded exposure”. This means taking small steps to get used to the things we have become fearful of, so we don’t become overwhelme­d. While we’re still encouraged to work from home, if you are expected to go back to work, ask your boss what safety measures have been taken. If you work in an office, ask to keep some homeworkin­g to ease yourself back in. If you have to take public transport, wear a mask (compulsory from 15 June), use hand sanitiser, and keep a two metre distance. If you wobble, call a friend or relative – this will help to anchor you emotionall­y. Listen to a meditation stream before bedtime, and breathe deeply during your morning shower – in for four seconds, holding the breath for seven seconds, then exhaling for eight seconds. These techniques will help you to overcome the natural anxiety associated with leaving the cocoon of lockdown.

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