Closer (UK)

Fridge raider: Jess Impiazzi



“I sprinkle lemon juice over my salads for flavour”

“I’m a big red pepper fan”

“I use a lot of spices such as chillis when

I make curries”

JESS How much do you spend per week?

About £50-£60 for my mum and me. I go to the supermarke­t just once a week and I’m amazed at how well they’ve adapted to social distancing with one-way systems.

Describe your daily diet…

I’ve been vegan for three years. Breakfast is either Weetabix or overnight oats with almond or oat milk. Then I go for a run and have a vegan protein shake and a coffee. An hour later, I have toast with avocado, rocket, spinach, tomato, beetroot and lemon juice. In the afternoon I’ve been eating crisps out of boredom. For dinner I’ll have spag bol, or Richmond vegan sausages with mash and onion gravy. For a healthy choice I’ll make a vegan ratatouill­e.

What do you snack on?

Blueberrie­s, and I’ve been eating a lot of oranges for their vitamin C content.

What would you cook to impress?

Bruschetta with onions and balsamic vinegar, followed by a vegan curry. I soak cashew nuts and blend them for the cream. I’d finish with a chocolate cake using avocado.

What are your favourite treats?

Ben & Jerry’s do a great vegan ice cream. I like Galaxy’s vegan chocolate, too.

Usual takeaway order?

Nando’s – although I ask them to take out the mayo in their butternut squash burger.

● Jess’ autobiogra­phy, Silver Linings, is out in November. Pre-order at Hashtagpre­

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