Closer (UK)

Celeb guest: Sarah Jane Crawford


I’m seven months pregnant with my first baby and I can’t wait to become a mum. I’m no longer just thinking about myself – I’m thinking about my baby, too, and how I’ll bring him or her up. I’ve been vegan since 2015, after trying

Beyoncé’s 21-day vegan challenge. Five years later, here I am – I’ve never felt better!

The vegan community is amazing – that’s why I ended up going vegan permanentl­y. I did a lot of learning about the meat and dairy industry and swotted up on the nutrients we need and organic food. I now eat very differentl­y. I’ve also learned about the nutrients I need in pregnancy. But I’ve had people message me on Instagram, condemning me for being vegan while pregnant, saying things like, “Your baby needs meat and dairy to be healthy”. Initially, I was worried, but I spoke to doctors and it’s totally possible to have a healthy pregnancy while being vegan. One of the main things to think about is the extra nutrients you need while pregnant – like vitamin B12, folic acid and iron. I’ve been having wholesome vegan products that contain them [like almond and coconut milk, leafy greens and lentils], as well as taking supplement­s. In fact, at a scan, the sonographe­r even said my placental cord looked healthy and strong, due to diet. Another topic that’s come up is people asking whether I’ll raise my child vegan – I’ve decided not to. My fiancé Brian [Barry-Murphy, 41] is pescataria­n, so it wouldn’t be fair for me to have full say on that. It’s something to think about. Maybe people will make comments, but I think, as a mother, you need to do what you think is best for you and your baby. I’d never want to judge anyone else for their choices.

 ??  ?? Sarah-Jane shares vegan recipes with her fans
She is expecting a
baby with Brian
Sarah-Jane shares vegan recipes with her fans She is expecting a baby with Brian

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