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Eating a healthy diet throughout our lives can help slow the ageing process and give us glowing skin. What we do in our twenties, thirties and forties sets us on the path for looking great at 50, though you can still get in shape beyond then. Closer nutritioni­st and co-author of Eat Better, Live Longer Juliette Kellow shares her tips for fighting the signs of ageing

Eat like you’re in the Mediterran­ean – it’s healthy for your heart, may protect against depression, and has been linked to slimmer waists and fewer wrinkles. Fill up on fruit, veg, wholegrain­s, fish, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds; eat less red meat and dairy; and replace butter with olive oil.

Skip faddy diets – speedy weight loss promised by diets such as Keto and Paleo may be appealing when we’re younger, but any plan that restricts many food groups will leave us lacking nutrients.

Downsize meals as the day goes on – provide your body with more energy and nutrients at breakfast, when you have a busy day ahead, rather than in the evening. This both helps our waistlines and improves sleep. A lack of quality shuteye in the long term reduces immunity and affects our memory and concentrat­ion.

Load up on fruit and veg – they’re the main providers of

Enjoy more fish – have two sustainabl­y-sourced portions a week, including oily choices such as mackerel, sardines and salmon. These are packed with immune-friendly vitamin D and antioxidan­t selenium, which helps fight free radical damage, which can prematurel­y age skin.

Keep active – our metabolism slows in our thirties, but it’s not until our forties that we see the effects on our waistline. Exercise helps to maintain and boost muscle, which in turn helps to stop our metabolism slowing.

Stick to a maximum of 14 units of alcohol a week – visit to find out how many units are in your favourite drink.

● Follow Juliette on Instagram @ julietteke­llownutrit­ionist

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vitamin C – essential for making collagen, which keeps skin firm.
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