Closer (UK)




7AM: I’m always the first up. I jump out of bed and let out our French Bulldog, Tilly, then have a cup of tea before Betsy and Eddie wake up.

7.30AM: Once Betsy’s up, I’ll make her some breakfast, either cereal or egg and soldiers.

8AM: I try to squeeze in a quick PT session – I like to get it out of the way. Eddie takes ages to wake up – he won’t let me speak to him first thing, he says I’m too annoying in the mornings!

9AM: For the past few months, our days have started with home-schooling Betsy. I’m really not academic, as I went to drama school. Give me tap shoes any day, but I’m useless at maths! Eddie’s good with numbers as he’s a broker, so I roped him in since he is working from home.

11AM: With home-schooling in full swing, I could get on with other jobs. I had been volunteeri­ng for the NHS by cutting approved fabric to be sewn into hospital gowns, which was really rewarding.


1PM: Eddie does all the cooking and I do all the cleaning. We recently got a pizza oven and he thinks he’s so good at cooking them now, he wants to open his own pizza restaurant! We’ve had a lot of pizza and salad lunches.

2PM: By the afternoon, Betsy had finished her schoolwork, so we’d have to get a bit creative. We’d put on some music and dance or play dress-up with bits from Claire’s – Betsy absolutely loves their accessorie­s.

4PM: At the beginning of lockdown we were still filming Gogglebox, which was so much fun! It gave us something to look forward to. And it gave me a chance to ditch my comfies, with the exception of my beloved slippers, and dress up.

5PM: We’ve really enjoyed family bike rides later on in the day– we’d take the dog too. It’s been such a nice way to end the day together.


6PM: Even with restaurant­s open, we’ve still been getting takeaways, or having BBQs. There is a food truck that comes by sometimes, so we’ll treat ourselves to lobster and chips, and crack open a bottle of champagne. It’s like our DIY date night.

8PM: After dinner, I go for a bath to unwind. But we recently splashed out on a hot tub for the garden. We put aside all the money we saved on holidays that got cancelled and treated ourselves – who needs a holiday when you’ve got Costa Del Chelmsford!

10PM: I’ll head up to bed and leave Eddie to watch TV. I only really wear my favourite Benefit mascara during the day, so I use Simple face wipes to remove it. I then change into my beloved Matalan PJs and apply Paw Paw balm to my hands and lips. I fell in love with it when I was filming

Neighbours in Australia and have used it ever since.

 ??  ?? MATALAN £14
 ??  ?? BENEFIT £22.50
BENEFIT £22.50
 ??  ?? PICKLE LONDON £45
 ??  ?? DR. PAWPAW £6.95
DR. PAWPAW £6.95
 ??  ?? SIMPLE £2.75
SIMPLE £2.75
 ??  ?? EGO.CO.UK £29.99
EGO.CO.UK £29.99

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