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Pete Cohen is bestsellin­g author of 11 books about making positive life changes and weight loss, such as Habit Busting and Life DIY, and says that losing weight provides the power to better a person’s mental wellbeing.

Pete says, “Deep down, people know when they’re overweight, which leads to a feeling of them having no control, insecuriti­es and self-doubt. They then eat because it comforts them, so it’s a vicious circle.

“But what the likes of Adele have realised is that it’s about making lifestyle changes to allow them to be healthier forever.

“Eating nutritious food, drinking more water and moving more is good for you, not bad, which is why your brain rewards you by releasing feel-good chemicals like endorphins, which in turn help you feel positive and give you clarity and determinat­ion.”

With getting started being the hardest part, Pete has tips to rewire your mindset…

● Read a self-help book, just like Adele did. Most give you motivation as they encourage a “growth” mindset rather than a fixed mindset.

● Take up active hobbies, like Rebel Wilson. Taking up a hobby such as dancing or hiking makes exercise seem fun, rather than a chore. Plus, you can do it with friends.

● Avoid sugar for a week – it raises and lowers blood sugar levels, so after the brief high, you will have a crash and lack energy.

● Start with 10-minute workouts. There are loads online, such as Holly Dolke’s workouts. You’ll soon manage to work up to half an hour.

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