Closer (UK)

Psychother­apist: “Jordan may relapse if she can’t have another baby”

Psychother­apist Noel McDermott warns wheelchair-bound Jordan could be headed for another breakdown after her dream of adding to her brood is left hanging in the balance

- By Daisy McLure

It seemed like the fairytale Jordan had imagined when, just weeks after going public with toyboy Carl Woods, she sparked engagement rumours, saying the former

Love Islander had her “energy, time, love and soul forever”.

But last month, her dream quickly came crashing down when Jordan, 42, broke both of her feet jumping from a wall, leaving her using a wheelchair and unable to walk for up to six months. Reports last week also claimed she would be bedbound and unable to have sex for a fortnight following a six-hour operation. And on her YouTube channel, the star told fans she’d suffer from arthritis for the rest of her life and that it would take two years for her to properly get back on her feet.


Following her spell in hospital she was snapped breaking down in tears as Carl, 31, took her home and she later revealed “more procedures” had to be carried out than doctors initially thought.

As Closer recently revealed, Jordan

– real name Katie

Price – has “hired a team to look after her” so the burden won’t all be on Carl. And psychother­apist Noel McDermott says he believes Jordan will be suffering emotional trauma from her injuries too.

He says, “Having a serious injury and being invalided is quite traumatic. Some people deal with that by distractin­g themselves. When someone is faced with immobility, they can’t get around and do things. Having been stuck in a wheelchair and not doing the things she usually does to avoid dealing with her issues, that is going to be really challengin­g for her. I really feel for her.”

Jordan’s accident may also have thrown her hopes of having another child into disarray. The star has made no secret of wanting to add to her brood. In June she said she “definitely” wanted to have more kids and would go to a sperm donor if necessary. The mum of five – who said she’d also consider adoption – revealed, “I went to a fertility doctor last year and they said because I’ve had four caesareans I’d need to try in the next couple of years.” In July, she went on to say she’d “keep going” until the doctor said, “No more.”

But with a “long road ahead” to recovery, and uncertaint­y around when she’ll be able to walk again, her dreams of another child have been left hanging in the balance, and it’s something Noel fears could push her to a new low.

“If Katie can’t have a child, she’s going to have to face up to herself,” says Noel. “Having a baby seems to be her defence mechanism – it could be a way of avoiding herself. I think that’s going to be really difficult for her if she can’t do that this time. Any woman going through that or facing that possible loss, you would expect to feel all sorts of emotions, including anxiety and depression.

“I feel for her emotionall­y

– if her partner wants a child, and she’s feeling like she can’t go through a pregnancy at the moment, you’ve potentiall­y got a significan­t set of losses. Her deepest fears may well be that she could lose her relationsh­ip with him if he were to go to look for somebody else, which would be a shock for her and upsetting.”


Jordan’s “life-changing” injuries are yet another blow for the star after a turbulent few years. Since splitting from third husband Kieran Hayler in 2018, she’s faced bankruptcy, a broken engagement to Kris Boyson,

a burglary, a kidnap threat, a driving ban, a stint in rehab over drug and alcohol abuse and her teenage kids, Junior, 15, and Princess, 13, moving in with their dad Peter Andre.

In May, Jordan revealed she experience­d suicidal thoughts after suffering heartache and bankruptcy last year. On top of this, last month her eldest son Harvey was rushed to hospital after falling ill and spent time in intensive care before recovering.



Now that her plans to look forward to a new chapter have been scuppered, Noel says Jordan is likely to be feeling more vulnerable – and will need a “clear plan in place” to avoid any chance of a potential emotional relapse. He says, “If she doesn’t have a clear plan in place then she’s winging it and has a big risk of having a relapse.”

To add to Jordan’s woes, ex Peter Andre – who she recently dubbed “the love of my life”

– is happier than ever. The singer, 47, recently celebrated wife Emily MacDonagh’s 31st birthday, praising her as an “incredibly talented, multitaski­ng, loving mother, wife, step mother and one hell of a doctor”. He also revealed Emily’s desire to have “two more children” before he turns 50.

While it’s only natural to compare her situation to that of her ex, Noel warns it could have “devastatin­g” consequenc­es. He says, “It’s called compare and despair, which can be devastatin­g. She could be destroying herself emotionall­y and mentally by comparing herself and may think it’s a reflection on her in a negative way. She could be torturing herself about it.”


To further rub salt into the wound, Kieran, 33, appeared to take a swipe at the star last week by claiming their children, Jett, seven, and Bunny, six, are “affected” by the number of boyfriends she has.

He said, “It would be great for them to have a stable man on that side – or no man!

It can affect the kids with different people in and out of their lives. I’m hoping that Carl is here to stay.”

Noel says it’s now up to Jordan to lay those “stable” foundation­s for herself and her family. He says, “She’s proved herself to be strong and is clearly set on turning things around. She has to do the work to allow that stability in, otherwise she may continue to recreate that internal mess.”

 ??  ?? Peter Andre with his wife Emily and their two children, with Princess (left) and Junior (right)
Peter Andre with his wife Emily and their two children, with Princess (left) and Junior (right)
 ??  ?? Boyfriend Carl helps Jordan leave hospital
Boyfriend Carl helps Jordan leave hospital
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 ??  ?? Jordan with her five children
Jordan with her five children
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