Closer (UK)

Fridge raider: Kimberly Hart-Simpson


How much do you spend per week?

Around £40. My mum and I order a lot of meat from online food delivery service Muscle Food. I have simple tastes and don’t need fancy food. I eat for convenienc­e and don’t really plan meals.

Describe your daily diet…

I start the day with a three-egg omelette. When I’m filming Corrie, I go to the staff canteen for lunch and the food is delicious. The other day I had grilled chicken, potato salad and crispy veg; I also love their beef chilli. In the evenings, I’ll have a piece of chicken – I’ll bake it rather than fry it, as

I like to watch what I eat. I’ll have it with broccoli, carrots and sweetcorn on the side. I prefer dry food and don’t tend to marinade anything. Or I’ll make a warm turkey salad with onions, mushrooms and avocado.

What do you snack on?

I love snacking on breakfast bars. You feel like you’re having a guilty snack, but you’re not because most of them are pretty healthy.

Is there anything you refuse to eat?

I have a horrific phobia of hairy peaches. I can’t be in the same room as them, and would be upset if someone else ate one!

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten?

I love dry mince and mushy peas on separate sides of the plate. People go mad when I post pictures of it on social media.

What would you cook to impress?

I’m not a cook at all; the only thing I can just about do is a roast chicken dinner. We’re not talking fresh potatoes, we’re talking Aunt Bessie’s. The more packets, the better.

Food hangover cure?

I’m the biggest weirdo and crave fruit and salad. I’m healthier when I’m hungover!

Favourite tipple?

I do like a raspberry mojito. But for something non-alcoholic, I love a brew. I can get through about six cups of tea a day. It’s a nice warmer when we’re filming outdoors.

● Corrie airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on ITV1

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