Closer (UK)


Soap legend Kym Marsh, 44, fronting a harrowing new true crime series – speaking to families who’ve been affected by horrific murders…


How would you describe Murder At My Door?

It’s a journey into the lives of the friends and families of victims who have been murdered by someone that they loved and trusted. It’s the ultimate betrayal, yet so many people are killed by someone they know. There’s an important story to tell.

It’s a big change – going from starring in a soap to presenting a true-crime series…

I feel very lucky I’ve been given the opportunit­y to present a few things, and I seem to be allowed to wear many hats. The two are very different because true crime is very “real” and soap is something that’s very “not real”. Which of the cases stood out for you most?

The Ellie Gould case is the one I thought about the most afterwards, not least because it’s so recent, but because she was so young. Being a mum myself it struck a chord with me. To watch how brave her mum was in telling the story, that really stayed with me.

Tell us about your role…

My job is to fill in the pieces and tell the story. I had to watch a lot of footage, and so I witnessed a lot of the families’ anguish during their interviews. It’s just unreal to see how brave they are in discussing something that is so raw for them and it always will be. It doesn’t matter how much time has passed; it is something that will stay with them forever. What shocked you the most?

The shocking thing for me was how many people are killed by someone that they know and love. Let’s face it, all of the victims in this series would never have been sat having a cup of tea with someone thinking, “One day you’re going to murder me.” The scariest part of it is, who do you trust?

 ??  ?? Kym played Corrie’s Michelle Connor for 13 years
Kym played Corrie’s Michelle Connor for 13 years

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