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Your stars

- With Yasmin Boland


22 NOV-21 DEC

If your health and/or your attitude towards it needs a radical makeover, then you’re in luck. Drastic changes when it comes to the way you live your life, alcohol consumptio­n, your daily life, health routines, exercise and diet are all possible now. Seek out online help. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


There is yet another chapter in the book the skies are writing for you. Let’s call this book “It’s time for Capricorns to have more fun”. More opportunit­ies for you to enjoy yourself are coming, as your load lightens, then lightens again! You have come so far! Congratula­te yourself. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www.moonmessag­


We’re getting closer and closer to the Big Day when Jupiter and Saturn will make a rare meeting in your sign. Make lists of 1. What you want to accomplish in your life in the coming two years and 2. The fun you want to have in the next 12 months. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


Expect things to come to a head in an important relationsh­ip. As much as you might like to keep control of everything, this week truly will go a lot smoother for you if you let go and allow the Universe to guide you. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­ freechart


19 FEB-20 MAR

You could get an amazing idea seemingly out of the blue this week about how to overcome an obstacle that has been making you feel fenced in. If you’re desperate to travel, there could be a shift there, too. Yes, miracles like travelling somewhere in 2020 could still happen! Find out your Rising Sign for free at www.moonmessag­


A dramatic and perhaps unexpected change in your finances is highly possible this week. A bolt of cash out of the blue, perhaps. That said, so is a bill that you didn’t see coming. If you have been in the financial doldrums, it’s turnaround time. Going online could prove lucrative. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www.moonmessag­


The Full Moon this week is going to be in your sign. So buckle up, as it could be an exciting, unpredicta­ble and possibly sometimes bumpy ride. Decide that any curve balls are for your highest good. Expect a change in the way others see you. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www.moonmessag­es. com/freechart


Seek balance between all the things you need to do to keep your life functional/ticking over versus the fact that we all need inner peace. After the year 99.9% of us have had, many of us have shot nervous systems. You need to meditate and breathe. Especially now!

Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


21 JUN-22 JUL

If a friendship suddenly ends this week, try not to cling on for all the wrong reasons. Losing a friend is always super-hard, but the Full Moon could see an unhealthy tie being unceremoni­ously cut. That said, this is also a great time to meet someone amazing online. Cede control! Find out your Rising Sign for free at www.moonmessag­


23 JUL-22 AUG

The more you accept that your working life is going to be a roller-coaster ride, the happier you’ll be. If you can work online, digitally, remotely, it will really work for you. Moreover, if you can work for yourself, all that goes triple. It’s an ideal time to reset your career. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


If you’re one of the millions who has been feeling trapped and wishing to escape lockdown restrictio­ns, surprising news awaits; you actually might be able to break free sooner rather than later. And if you really can’t, here’s an idea; take up a course of online study. It will help! Find out your Rising Sign for free at www.moonmessag­


Your sex life and finances are due to turn a corner. Just don’t assume that you know exactly what is coming next. You should also be feeling more loving and loveable now. Plus – a Mercury retrograde bonus – you’ll have a chance to take back something you wish you hadn’t said. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www.moonmessag­

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