Closer (UK)

Your stars


- With Yasmin Boland


22 NOV-21 DEC

Make this week all about your self-esteem. Really take a moment to see how much you value yourself, and whether you need to eradicate some self-doubt and think about what you have to offer the world. You could discover you’re ready to change direction. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


There are big but possibly intangible changes happening for you; stirrings on the inside that will change the way you live your life – but no one else will know. How do you want to emerge from it? You have way more power than you might realise. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


If you want next year to be better than this one, hear this: you need to work through your fears now and in the coming few weeks. Be honest about where your fears come from and stare them down. The more you can work through your fears now, the better.

Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


19 FEB-20 MAR

If you have been through the mill with a friend (or even multiple friends) these past few years, thank your stars. They have been helping you to become a better friend yourself, and also showing you who you no longer want on your friends list or in your friendship circles. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


Expect your motivation and mojo to come back this week. Personal projects that have been delayed since September could get you re-fired up at last. You’re also going to get a power surge when it comes to your career. If you could change your working world, what would you do? Find out your Rising Sign for free at www.moonmessag­


Big ambitions you have to do with travel, study, publishing, learning and/or The Great Cosmic Quest to understand life are all in focus this week. You can move mountains. So, what are your ambitions in these areas? Go for them! Also, a tip: ask for help if you need it. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


Massive changes are possible for you now when it comes to your finances and your sex life. Yes, that might seem a little odd!

But that’s how it is. So, what do you want when it comes to your sex life and your bank account? Sweeping changes are possible now. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


21 JUN-22 JUL

Remember all the lessons you’ve learned about not coming off as incendiary with other people, even if they’re provoking you? Good. Dial it down on being confrontat­ional, careerwise. If you’re looking to make a career move, a strategic choice will serve you better than a hasty move. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www.moonmessag­


23 JUL-22 AUG

This week brings a chance to make massive changes to the way you live your life. Quarantine or no quarantine, 2020 has shown us what really matters to us when it comes to the daily routines that run our lives. If you want to do things differentl­y in 2021, set your intentions now. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www.moonmessag­


Feeling hemmed in? With global adventure and discovery off the cards for now, finding hidden gems within your neighbourh­ood can widen your perspectiv­es about what life has to offer. Being a tourist in your local area can open up a plethora of local delights. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­


Your personal life may have felt like a volcano this year. Either your family life is eruptive, or your personal life has been exploding. That all peaks and starts to fade now. So, a) don’t lose your cool with people dear to you, and b) know that your life is about to calm down. Find out your Rising Sign for free at www. moonmessag­

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