Closer (UK)



During the first lockdown, Emma Wilcock suffered from a severe hangover most days. Emma, who lives in Whitby with husband Shane, 40, and their two daughters aged 10 and seven, explains, “Before lockdown, I only drank socially. But when the pandemic hit,

I’d easily get through a couple of bottles of wine a day, and sometimes a few gin and tonics too. It was scary how quickly I fell into the habit.


“Shane was supplying

CAPTION electrical goods to hospitals, so was classed as a key worker. It meant I had to take on home-schooling solo, and I found that the only way I could relax was with a drink. But it made me snappy and I put on nearly 2st. I didn’t feel like me.”

Emma realised she had a serious problem at the end of last August. She says, “I was buying mini bottles of wine for cooking, but I’d end up drinking them. I’d often start at 3pm and was drinking more than 14 units a day – when guidelines suggest 14 for the whole week.

“The girls didn’t suffer, though. When I was hungover and said we should have a ‘movie day’, they loved it. But now I’m ashamed. It could have been a time when we made some memories, but I was drunk for most of it.”

Emma decided to quit drinking when the girls returned to school, as she was worried about doing the school run while over the limit. She says, “The first few days were difficult. I felt very anxious and had a really bad headache for a week. But I cleared the house of booze and was determined, and my husband was so supportive.

“While life was relatively ‘normal’, it was easy. But it’s been trickier since going back into lockdown, as there are fewer distractio­ns. Keeping busy helps; I’ve started reading again and have taken up gardening too.

“I’ve got a photo on my phone to remind me of a low point. We were on a day out and I was too hungover to enjoy it so we had to cut it short as I didn’t feel well. I was so full of shame on the way home; I never want to go back there.

“It’s such a strange time and I can see why so many turn to drink as a stress reliever – but quitting is so rewarding. It’s not like a diet, where you have to wait ages to get a result. You feel so much healthier really quickly, with much more energy. It’s worth it!”

 ??  ?? She keeps this
photo on her phone
to remind her of
when she felt at her
She keeps this photo on her phone to remind her of when she felt at her lowest

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