Closer (UK)



● WRITE A LIST OF WHY YOU WANT TO QUIT BOOZE, for example to sleep better, lose weight or get pregnant. It’s easier to stay motivated if you have clear reasons for going alcohol-free, ones you can read back if you’re tempted to have a drink.

● SERVE SOFT DRINKS IN MARTINI, COCKTAIL OR WINE GLASSES – you can still enjoy the same experience without the alcohol and it tends to stop people asking why you’re not drinking over video calls.

● SET SHORT-TERM GOALS AND YOU’RE MORE LIKELY TO SUCCEED – plan a couple of alcohol-free days, then a week, then a fortnight, and then build on this. It’s all about small achievemen­ts.

● CELEBRATE YOUR SUCCESS – set aside the money saved on booze then treat yourself or stash it away for a future holiday. Save £5 a day – equal to an inexpensiv­e bottle of wine – and that’s £1,825 in a year!

● CHANNEL YOUR FOCUS INTO SOMETHING ELSE. With many of us working at home, wine o’clock has become the defining moment for separating work from home life. At the time you would normally reach for booze, go for a walk, try a new recipe or have a games night.

● FIND FRIENDS TO QUIT BOOZE WITH – even though you can’t meet up in person, you can still support each other, hear progress and stay motivated.

● GET CREATIVE WITH MOCKTAILS. Just as you would with cocktails, find out what tickles your taste buds, with alcohol-free mixers, fresh fruit and soft drinks.

● For more informatio­n and support visit

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