Closer (UK)

The legend that is Joanna Lumley, 74, on gadding about the UK for a change – and loving it

- By Hannah Wright

How did the series come about?

We were due to do a huge journey last year, travelling across the world. That had to be cancelled, of course, so I said, “What about this idea I’ve had for ages?” The idea was that, although I was born in India and brought up in the Far East, I’ve always talked about Britain as home… We thought this would be a lovely celebratio­n of life in these islands.

Was there anything that really stood out for you?

I’d been to Snowdonia in Wales, but the truth was I’d never been to the great slate quarries. I had no idea that in the 1800s anything made of slate across the entire world had come from these phenomenal mines – some of which went 26 storeys down into the earth. B****y hell.

And you squeezed in a visit to the Coronation Street set?

When I was in it – 48 years ago – I was never allowed in the Rovers Return, so it was a really huge plus for me to be able to go in – not only that, but to be there with Ken Barlow and for Bill [Roache] to be so sweet. We were both outrageous­ly flirting and pretending not to be the geriatrics that we are…

Would you have stayed in Corrie for longer if they’d asked?

I was only in it for eight episodes, but I had these dreams in my head… I thought maybe they’d let me have a longer dalliance with Ken. Would I go back? In a heartbeat. I was asked, maybe ten years ago. Unfortunat­ely, some filming I was doing got in the way. Stephanie Beacham – who’s one of my old muckers – came along and took the part, it was absolutely disgracefu­l!

How difficult was it to make this series in the pandemic?

Well, it was a nightmare. We were all tested all the time, and in advance we had to ask everybody everywhere we went whether they minded speaking to us, and without wearing a mask. We don’t want to be reminded about this pandemic when it’s gone. We tried not to talk about it – except for in episode one when we visit Eyam in Derbyshire. That knocked my socks off for heroism of an entire village, which locked itself down in 1665 and was wiped out by the bubonic plague.

When we can travel again, do you hope this will inspire people to get out there?

I long for that. I would say to anybody, I know we all want to get brown and have some sun, but why not give yourself a nice spray tan, put on some summery clothes and go on a holiday in England? I just find this country infinitely fascinatin­g.

Is there one item you couldn’t travel without?

I like an alarm clock that rings, and I always pack books as

I’ve got to have something to read at night-time. If there’s space, I’ll take a decent mirror, as hotel lighting in bathrooms is sometimes very bad. I think, “I better put more colour on” and I come out looking like an orange tomato…

 ??  ?? With Ken Barlow back in the day – swoon!
With Ken Barlow back in the day – swoon!

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