Closer (UK)

Perez: ‘They’ll want to be like the Obamas and make as much money as possible’


Following the couple’s recent multimilli­on collaborat­ions with Netflix and Spotify, the Duke and Duchess of

Sussex have already amassed an immense fortune for themselves from the privacy of their new California mansion.

During their explosive Oprah interview, Harry – who also recently did an interview with James Corden – alleged that he needed to find an income source to pay for security for his family after being cut off.

But LA-based showbiz blogger Perez Hilton says this is just the beginning for America’s new power couple, as he predicts they will try to follow in the footsteps of former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.

He tells Closer, “It’s all about making as much money as they can now. The best blue print for Harry and Meghan will be Michelle and Barack Obama. They are politician­s and A-list. I imagine they may well steal ideas from them and do their version of everything they have done. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an upcoming book with a tour.

“For them to settle into a family home in the same luxury estate as Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres is ‘telling’. It suggests to me they want the celebrity life. They could have done the chat on a Spotify podcast, but they chose Oprah. It’s all about creating a spectacle.

“And while I love Oprah, I don’t think it was very fair how that interview was executed. Any respectabl­e news programme would reach out to the other side. Not once did Oprah say, ‘We reached out to Buckingham Palace’, or any other member of the royal family, which I find troubling. It’s clear Harry and Meghan will not go back to the royal family and this is their new world now.

“It seems that they’re a little conflicted on their ideas of privacy, though. They have sued paparazzi for taking their pictures – but then they do interviews like this. Harry clearly hates the British press, but it’s just as vicious over here in Hollywood of all places.”

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