Closer (UK)

‘Video calls made me hate my nose’


Megan Williams, 25, works for an entertainm­ent company and lives in Liverpool with her partner, Paul, 28. She says,

“I’ve hated my nose since I was a teen. I despised having my photograph taken because of it. But things got really bad once the pandemic hit. Suddenly, we were all having to make video calls – both for work and socially – and with every one I could feel my confidence take a hit. For an entire call I felt like my nose was all you could see. I hated it more than I ever had before and was desperate to change it.

“The situation last year made it easier. Firstly, it meant I could do it in secret without judgement or comments from friends. When

I’d mentioned it before, people were very quick to tell me I didn’t need one. I think they thought I was just being vain.

“I was furloughed from my job in an entertainm­ent company, which meant I didn’t need to take time off, so last October, before the restrictio­ns were tightened again, I booked in to a UK clinic. The procedure took two hours and cost £8,000, which I paid for with savings and a small loan. I was very bruised, and it took four weeks before my stitches weren’t noticeable. I felt very fortunate not to be in the office – it took off the pressure to recover quietly and I could just rest.

“Now, five months on, I love my new nose – it’s pretty subtle and some friends didn’t notice when I was able to see them – which is how I wanted it to be. I struggle to accept compliment­s – I never know how to react, so I’m glad I’ve been able to keep it quiet. This way I could just get on with it and have time to recover.”

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