Closer (UK)

JAY BLADES: ‘There’s a lot of love in the barn’

Closer catches up with TV’s favourite furniture restorer, Jay Blades, 51, who’s fronting a new series of the feel-good Repair Shop…

- By Hannah Wright

Why do you think people love the show so much?

It’s one of those shows that makes you feel warm inside. Knowing that so many people are watching it and loving it is a beautiful feeling.

What do you enjoy most about being involved?

We’ve been a family since the show started in 2017 and we miss each other when we’re not filming. We cry on each other’s shoulders; we laugh at each other… and when we’re reunited for a new series it’s just fun and games. There’s a lot of love in the barn and we’ve been allowed to grow organicall­y – there’s no script or being told what to do…

These new episodes were filmed during the pandemic? We stuck to the 2m rule and the crew have been clever with camera angles, so it doesn’t look as socially-distanced as it is. We made sure we have the same warm feel to the show, and you won’t notice that it was filmed during COVID. The builds and repairs we’ve got on are like, “Wow!” I didn’t even know it could get any better.

Has anyone ever dropped anything at the handover stage?

Where better to drop something than in The Repair Shop? It’ll get fixed in no time! No, we’ve never had anything go wrong… We’ve got over 500 years’ worth of expertise in the workshop. When that item is handed back, and when you see someone revert right back to being a child, or rememberin­g their grandparen­t, mum or dad, that’s when we know we’ve got it right.

Is there an item that stands out for you in this new series?

We have a new expert in the barn working on a sitar [an Indian string instrument]. That was unusual, as the bottom part is made out of a vegetable if

I’m not mistaken [a gourd] and it was like, “How can we repair something that’s so natural?”

The show could go on forever…

There are so many people whose families are steeped in extraordin­ary history, and there are so many items out there, that I think we’re always going to be kept quite busy – that’s the beauty of it.

Can you reveal a little-known fact about the show?

We film in a real museum – which is a listed building, and it’s absolutely freezing! We’re not really allowed to have heaters in, so we wear a lot of layers, and everybody has at least two hot water bottles. We have heat patches as well, and hand warmers for our pockets. We’re very well catered for!

Do you watch yourself on the TV?

I don’t really like seeing myself on the TV, I find it weird. But sometimes I tune in to see if I keep on saying the same thing, and I do watch The Repair Shop

– because it’s really good and I enjoy it! It also feels like you’re being reunited with your family, and that’s really nice.

You must get recognised a lot?

During lockdown when I’ve been out and about, I’ve had on a woolly hat, glasses and of course a mask. People still know it’s me. They say, ‘I know that voice – you’re Jay off The Repair Shop!’

How have the last few months been for you?

I’ve been working quite a lot, but recently I’ve taken up cooking. I’ve done chicken, fish and steak – I didn’t know I had it in me, and I’m really impressed with myself.

 ??  ?? Jay: A diamond geezer
Jay: A diamond geezer

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