Clydebank Post


- Tristan Stewart-Robertson

A MAN sped past a group of schoolchil­dren at an estimated 70mph as he tried to evade capture.

Police had to eventually break off pursuit because of the danger Jordon Russell, then 26, was posing to other drivers and pedestrian­s, a court has heard.

He didn’t even have a full licence when he raced from Clydebank through into Drumchapel.

Fiscal depute Euan Nicholson told Dumbarton Sheriff Court that on May 20, 2022, a woman at Clydebank police office said a suspect vehicle might be in Vanguard Street.

Officers attended a short time later and saw Russell drive towards them. He had no L-plates and no supervisio­n despite only having a provisiona­l licence.

When he spotted officers, he immediatel­y sped up away from them.

Due to the volume of traffic, police couldn’t get directly behind him. They continued to monitor him from a distance.

He took the second exit from the Drumry roundabout into The Antonine Road and proceeded north.

Police were able to get behind Russell and activated their blue lights to get him to stop.

Instead, the vehicle in front of Russell stopped, and Russell entered the opposite carriagewa­y “aggressive­ly overtaking that vehicle”.

At that point, police began a pursuit.

At the roundabout at Kilmore Crescent, he drove around it twice trying to create some distance from the police behind him.

He continued to the next roundabout and exited onto Fettercair­n Avenue and was driving aggressive­ly, well in excess of 50mph.

Approachin­g the junction with Achamore Road, he accelerate­d but misjudged the layout, mounting the kerb and driving onto the pedestrian footpath before getting back on the road.

Another driver had to brake harshly to avoid a collision.

Kinfauns Drive was extremely busy and St Clare’s Primary and Drumchapel High were both finishing for the day.

A number of other vehicles had to stop as Russell negotiated between traffic.

He accelerate­d just after passing the primary school. Police estimated he was travelling well in excess of 70mph past St Clare’s.

There was a large group of children waiting to cross at the school as he passed and he made no attempt to slow down.

At that point, police called off their pursuit because of the dangers.

It was four days later when they finally caught and arrested the driver.

Russell, of Jamieson Court, Hardgate, later pleaded guilty to driving dangerousl­y, at excessive speeds, overtaking a motor vehicle in an aggressive manner, approachin­g a roundabout at speed and driving around it two times.

He entered a junction at speed and into the path of an oncoming vehicle, causing the driver to take evasive action to avoid collision.

And he continued to travel at excessive speed through a builtup area, which was busy with traffic and pedestrian­s.

The now 28-year-old admitted failing to stop when required be police. And he was driving without insurance and driving on a provisiona­l licence without Lplates or a qualified driver.

He was on two bail orders at the time.

At his sentencing on April 9, Russell’s defence solicitor said: “He realises this is a very serious matter. He is keen not to return to custody today.

“It’s clear there are various mental health issues. I’m asking you to impose a direct alternativ­e to custody.

“He recognises he could be sent to custody today. That would not deal with underlying issues.”

Sheriff James Spy said: “This was a very bad piece of driving.”

He imposed a two-year community payback order with supervisio­n by social workers and to deal with alcohol and mental health issues.

Russell must do 280 hours of unpaid work in the community within a year. It is a direct alternativ­e to custody.

And he is banned from driving for five years and must sit the extended test to get a licence back.

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