
Salsa verde side of salmon


This is a wonderful centre-of-the-table type of dish.

It’s served with onion wedges cooked gently in a medley of simple flavoursom­e miso and ghee, and the crispy salmon skin crumbled on top. Nothing wasted, everything used, and stunning to look at and eat.


For the onions:

•6 onions, peeled and halved, intact at the root •2 tbsp ghee, melted

•3 tbsp miso paste

•½ tsp salt

For the crispy skin:

•1.5kg side of salmon, scaled and pin-boned (ask your

fishmonger to separate the salmon and skin, but keep the skin) •2 tbsp cornflour

•1 tbsp paprika

•½ tsp salt

For the salsa verde:

•100g ghee (it doesn’t need to be melted as it will be whizzed

together in the food processor)

•2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

•95g tin of sardines, in oil

•40g capers

•3 cloves of garlic

•½ tsp salt

•2 x 30g packs of fresh parsley

•100g panko breadcrumb­s

1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/fan 180°C. Have a roasting dish big enough to lay the salmon in comfortabl­y and another flat tray to lay the skin. Line both with baking paper.

2. Add the onions to the roasting dish, drizzle over the ghee, add the miso paste and salt and get your hands in there to give it a good mix. Lay the onions flat-side down.

3. Pat the skin dry and cut the salmon in half. In a bowl, mix the cornflour, paprika and salt. Spread the cornflour mix over the skin until it is coated all over. Lay flat on the baking tray.

4. Pop the onions in the oven on the middle shelf and the skin just below. Leave in for 20 minutes while you prep the salsa. Make sure to flip the skin over halfway through cooking so it crisps up evenly.

5. Put the ghee, vinegar, sardines and their oil, capers, garlic, salt, parsley and breadcrumb­s into a food processor and whizz till well combined.

6. Take out the tray with the onions, move them over to the sides and place the salmon in the centre. Take the salsa verde and spread it over until all the salmon top is covered. Bake in the oven for another 30-35 minutes. After 20 minutes, take the crispy skin out and leave to cool.

7. As soon as the salmon is ready, serve it on a platter with the onions. Crumble the crispy skin all over and it’s ready to eat.

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