Computer Active (UK)

Make Windows Better

Search your PC quicker


Searching for a specific file or folder can be a timeconsum­ing experience because Windows, by default, searches your entire PC. Fileseek is a free program that lets you set specific search criteria and find files in half the time it takes Windows.

Go to and click the blue Download Now button. Click the downloaded setup file, Run, Yes, OK, Next, select ‘I accept the agreement’, then keep clicking Next until you have to click Install. Once it’s installed, click Finish to launch the program. You can use features of the paid-for Pro version free for 30 days. To switch to the free version at any time, click Tools at the top left, Settings, then License Key on the left. Now click the ‘Change to Free Version’ button, Yes, Apply then OK.

To search for a file, type its name in the Query field (see screenshot). Click the Browse button beside Path(s) if you want to narrow down the search to certain locations (drives or folders). You can also exclude locations from the search by clicking the Browse button beside Exclude Path. The Advanced tab lets you set case-sensitive matches and search sub-folders by ticking the relevant boxes.

To search for files created between specific dates and ones in certain size ranges, click the Date Filters tab and the File Size Filters tab and set those values accordingl­y. Click the Search button at the top right to begin.

Fileseek lists all the results in the section below, including items you’ve recently deleted from your PC. Double-click any item to open it using Windows/ File Explorer or your default program. Rightclick any item to see handy options, including copy, cut, delete, permanentl­y delete or open using another program.

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