Computer Active (UK)

Fools rush in to download Windows 10


The saying is: ‘Fools rush in where angels fear to tread’. I regret to say I am that fool. I pressed a button and lo and behold I had Windows 10. Why oh why I did that I don’t know. Windows 7 served me very well. I don’t ask much from my computer – shopping, enquiring, email and playing Solitaire.

When the dog and I return from our morning walk, I share a digestive biscuit with him and play Solitaire for a while until my octogenari­an legs recover. Windows 10 shows several games, including Solitaire, but I’m unable to download them. I have reverted to my Kindle Fire HDX for my relaxing game of Solitaire. Hopefully all will be resolved in good time.

can’t use extensions on it?), I just don’t want to risk using Windows 10 yet. Instead I have the perfect equation: Windows 7 + Chrome = fast, safe browsing.

We doubt Orlando’s wife Necita will get her original phone back. Phones that are traded in are usually sent away to be refurbishe­d, in order to be resold. She may be entitled to a partial refund if she hasn’t used the new phone, such as the price Carphone Warehouse would have paid her if she’d decided to sell it the iphone 5. But if she’s used the new phone, she may not get anything if Carphone Warehouse agreed to cancel the contract with no penalty.

She should check Moneysavin­gexpert’s phone-recycling tool ( www.snipca. com/17569) to see how much other companies are paying for second-hand phones, then ask Carphone Warehouse what it would have offered her for the iphone. She may catch the company in a generous mood, in light of the goodwill it lost in the recent attack that saw the details of 2.4 million customers exposed to hackers.


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