Cosmopolitan (UK)

Your summer beauty problems, solved

Razor rash, sunburn, brassy hair and more. Here’s how to fix the trail of destructio­n left behind by the dreamiest season of the year…



Task a loved one with rugby-tackling you to the ground if they catch you picking at your sunburn. “You shouldn’t even use an exfoliant to speed up the peeling process,” explains Dr Williams. “Your skin is still very sensitive at this stage and interferin­g could cause further damage.” Going forward, slather on a moisturise­r that’s loaded with antioxidan­ts and other skin-restoring ingredient­s, such as ceramides, omega fatty acids and hyaluronic acid. TREAT IT

Skincare ingredient­s such as retinol will help to repair some (but not all) sun damage. “Retinol should only be applied to the face once your sunburn is fully healed and there’s no more redness,” says Dr Williams. Ironically, it can make skin more sensitive to future sun exposure, so it’s a good time to start wearing SPF religiousl­y, too.

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