Cosmopolitan (UK)



Although parties this year are a tad more low-key, maintainin­g healthy habits (read: a good sleep routine) still feels tough. So tough, in fact, that a new Chinese expression has got wellness fans talking. It translates as “revenge bedtime procrastin­ation” – in other words, staying up late binge-watching, to claw back some “me” time. But, says James Wilson, co-founder of The Sleep Lab, doing it means you’ll mess up your sleep cycle and feel lousy the next day. Instead, carve out pockets of relaxation (read a book at lunch rather than scrolling) and watch TV to wind down pre-bedtime. “Choose something light-hearted and repetitive, like an old Bake Off episode,” he suggests. “It’ll help lower your heart rate, which is an important part of falling and staying asleep.”

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